Realm merges/connections

On 2019 Blizzcon Q&A, Ion said that he is aware that there are dead realms on retail, and he said that he will do something with it in a week, well its one and a half month and nothing happened, realms are lesser populated every second, and we all who play there know how bad is it to play there, some response from Blizzard would be handy about this.

doubt anything happens before last patch is out, then maby something next summer or so, and this is wishfull thinking, offcourse I would love it to happen real soon like in the next 2 months atleast, but doubt that is gona happen.

Don’t think they said it was going to be after only one week. They didn’t specify when it’s going to happen, just gave the usual soon TM response. From the Q&A:

Q: Not too many people on my server - will we ever see more realm connections?
A: Yes. We need to look at this. Cross realm grouping helps but it’s not an adequate answer for mythic raiding or a server economy. We’ll look into it.

Lawyerspeak. As long as people buy realm transfers instead of quiting, there will no merges.

I can’t remember if he said about doing it in a week for this particular question. But what he clearly meant is that they will start working on it within a week, when they go back to normal development after Blizzcon.

They’re working on it :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

If you watch the Q&A, there’s a far fuller answer given than the one line that Wowhead reported. Ion said he’d speak to the server team the next week - then clarified that it wouldn’t be fixed the next week, but he’d talk to them. I think it’s reasonable to expect an update at some point soon, as he gave the expectation that this would be investigated very soon after Blizzcon.

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