Recruit a Friend - Calling new & exisiting players!

Are you a returning player that hasn’t played WoW for over 12 months?

Or brand new player with an account less than 7 days old?

Let me help you!

How can you help me?
:dragon_face: Dragonflight is hands down the most accessible and in my opinion the most fun that WoW has been since early days, whether you are a brand new or returning EU player. A perfect time to jump in! :swimming_woman:

I love both levelling and teaching, so I can offer you the following:

  • A buddy to level, gear and socialise with at your own pace. :person_raising_hand:
  • Gold for the essentials such as bags, mounts, repairs etc. :coin:
  • Advice on classes and gearing for endgame PvE/PvP. :woman_teacher:
  • Help and advice with addon’s. :computer_mouse:
  • Communities and/or a guild to connect with & more! :house_with_garden:

What are the benefits to recruit a friend?
In addition to all of the above with a friend to showing you the ropes, you also get the following benefits:

  • Recruits receive an Extra Spacious Knapsack ( a 30 slot bag).
  • Recruiters and recruits can summon each other once every 30 minutes.
  • Certain in-game activities will also reward you additional in-game items & rewards!

What’s the catch?
There is none!

You are probably wondering ‘well what do you gain from this?’. Admittedly there are associated rewards that i’ll also gain, but my friends call me an ‘altoholic’ for a reason - i love levelling and showing new players the ropes. :knot:

Whether you are a new or existing player, you are welcome. I’m very active and flexible on playtimes to suit you. :+1:

Where do I get started?

You can sign up or link your existing account using the following link or code G9572ZXV96

Alternatively, add me on UrukGuy#2432

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