Regarding 1 sting Hunter Macro

Hello everyone.I can’t make the 1 sting macro work.So far i’ve seen this>
/script if UnitPowerType(“target”)==0 then CastSpellByName(“Viper Sting”) else CastSpellByName(“Serpent Sting”); end

and this >
/cast [pvptalent:4/1,mod:shift,@focus] Viper Sting; [pvptalent:4/1] Viper Sting; [pvptalent:4/2,mod:shift,@focus] Scorpid Sting; [pvptalent:4/2] Scorpid Sting; [mod:shift,@focus] Spider Sting; Spider Sting

None of them work. If i remember it right you could 1 button them all.(takes so much bindings otherwise) Is it doable on classic?