Relative difficulty for the Kyrian quests

Having played now played seven characters through the different covenants questline, the Kyrian kinda stood out…

  • it is the only Covenant that requires ending a dungeon during the campaign, with “The Spires of Ascension” at the end of the chapter 3, moreover at a point where your ilvl is likely too low even for Heroic groupfinder;
  • end of “Her Will, Inflicted” in Chapter 8 is a deathtrap as returning the quest phase your character back into a zone full of elite enemies;
  • It is the only Covenant that requires to finish a questline to get a first adventurer at Renown 4.

Then in the Chains of Domination campaign, Chapter 8 that continues the Kyrian campaign and Uther plotline does it again, but for everyone, with the quests Directing Dedication/Rebuilding Faith/Reclaiming as the only ones in CoD campaign to require defeating pack of elites, moreover for random drops.

Don’t get me wrong, the difficulty level is not totally out of scope and I still managed to finish those quests (and I guess some people might even enjoy them more for the same reasons). It’s just, well, longer, and it really seems like Kyrian content is designed by a different team, that is not on the same page as the rest when it comes to difficulty.

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