Relic of the past

Dear blizzard

Can someone please explain your rationale and the story of how you ended up with Relic of the Past in the current state

It seems like - from the outside - this was a GREAT idea, with a huge amount of potential. It had the option to make old world crafted items relevant through levelling, and create reasons to keep old world items relevant

We understand (even if we may not agree) that the relics were too cheap and creating vendor shuffle opportunities that you did not like. (its your game, ultimately you have the final choice here)

However literally despite nerfing them heavily last week - you’ve then put through yet another round of massive nerfs today with the pre-patch (reducing the ilvl of relic V so no lvl 50 player will ever want the item, and preventing many items which could be upgraded using a relic from being able to be upgraded). This was completely un-announced, and appears to totally gut the system.

It now appears to be utterly useless

So what is your thinking here? Why did you make the most recent changes you did? How do you see it going forward? What are your design goals?

A little communication here would really help to understand what you were thinking

As i stated at the start - i think this is a really cool idea - that could have done a fantastic job of reinvigorating old content, and old professions. It now appears to be a waste of development, and is to be confined to the scrap heap


I fully agree. I’ve just logged in all excited to craft my alts some new gear and get into some PvP and end game content to find that relics of that past are now completely useless. Maybe its my fault that I didn’t see this change announced sooner but it was a great system that is now entirely useless. Why craft old recipes for levelling when you can just use quest gear or heirlooms? why craft gear for a level 50 when it isn’t any good at all? I really don’t understand this one.

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