Removal of titanforging will destroy mythic+

How many players are actually 450 ilvl in total across the whole world? I’m not even sure if there is anyone in this forum that has 450 ilvl. I would think the people that should complain the most should be people with 450 ilvl. As without TF they lose too much power.

426 in the entire world.
Easy… Give me a hard one :smiley:

http s://www.wowprogress. com/gearscore/

ok how many 450 ilvl actually do high m+ keys? :grinning:

Cheat. Im not going to try and write a query to figure that out lol.

Totally agree. Mathematically the average weekly +10er should have an item level of 444.5 - 445 (448 for mythic raiders) if they have no TF gear. The highest geared person in the world (according to WoWprogress) is:


So 453 - 4445 (I’m rounding up here) is only 8 item levels, and for raiders it’s only 5.

Seems like a lot of noise for 5 item levels, don’t you guys think? Seems totally game breaking to me.

i’m ok with that

Now see where said gear comes from. Id be surprised if during running the M+ 50% was raid gear though.

Take Havoc, ive been looking and it seems their BIS gear is Head from M+ (Leviathan), Shoulders from Raid, chest from PVP.

Do we know anything abput ilvl in weekly chest after forging is removed? Havent paid attention to ptr news… Will it still be higher ilvl or will it also cap at hc ilvl (since now its a warforged item, and with WF/TF being replaced with corruption, will it be a hc ilvl loot with guaranteed corruption?)

Oof, that’s a tough break. This is also why I think Blizzard I going about it the wrong way. Gear from M+ is static so they can make it good and control it enough to always make raiding gear slightly better (and a higher item level) without crippling M+ completely.

460 heroic raiding
475 mythic raiding
470 weekly cache for weekly +10
460 on M+10 and up.

I think the chest will always remain as a -5 ilvl from mythic raiding. Think this will be the standard going forward.


~~ Given how tf and wf is removed it may be 1 of 4 possible scenarios.

  1. Simply rewards HC level gear (which wont go too well as this is just running a +10)

  2. Reward HC item with corruption and beneficial effect (but again this wont go down too well)

  3. Reward a basic Mythic level item

4. Reward a mythic level Item with Corruption.

I think it will likely be 3 & 4. 4 Being the low proc chance witht he standard being 3. ~~

Scratch what I said. Looks like someone else has confirmed info


Ok, then its not too bad though, m+ runners won’t get stuck at hc ilvl far behind the mythic raiders. More ppl will probably just do the one for weekly and stop, but they dont really do m+ for the fun and personal progress anyways i guess.

Well, that’s not too bad. I have exceptionally few forged pieces anyway.

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Nope, not bad at all. But being honest I bet people still find a way to complain.

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Ofcourse, wouldnt be wow forum without complaints :stuck_out_tongue:

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Send them to the UK. Not enough moaning or complaining by leavers Vs. remainers I dont think

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It’s the same game, so it’s natural to compare one version of the game towards another version of the game.

You do remember that the weekly chest is often called “the weekly chest of disappointment” for a reason? Mny people are going to get 3 cloaks in a row , or an item with wrong stats, and that’s it for a week? How long is it going to take to gear properly? 20 weeks? While in the raid, even if you have no luck first few weeks, you got your coins and you got your more lucky guildmates who will start to share loot sooner or later

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My new monk now has 7 M+ chests, 5 rings and 2 cloaks :laughing:

Weren’t they planning to change the weekly chest so it wouldn’t just be an RNG mess anymore? Or is that only coming in 9.0?