Remove Eagle Eye from the game, Its only used for exploiting the game

its range is basicly infinte and is used to scout out Black lotus spawn so that a hacker can teleport to it. or have an army of alts ready.

can we cripple them at least and nerf Eagle Eye?

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It’s weekend again.


Hunters in azshara are my bane.

Using it to scout the water essence spots to fish and beat me to them. But its a useful skill used well.

But the issue is not the ability so focus on the bots not the game. If bots resulted in nerfs, half the classes would lose a lot of utility.

Eagle eye just needs a captcha :robot:


Remove Blizzard (mage ability) from the game, bots/cheaters are using it all the time.

Remove Pick Herb too.


I saw them run too, remove Movement from the game.

Oh yea and saw them kill mobs so remove Attacks too.

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Oh I love this thread, nothing makes me more happy than seeing some warrior/mage running around the zone at 6 am, when I’m yoinking every lotus by eagle eyeing to find them.

Remove my existence.

Remove fotm warriors.

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