Removing /spit > removing bots

Great job Blizzard. Keep it up :slight_smile:


Haha true such a garbage company


Berny spits on such people.

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I don’t know what you mean OP.
The removal of /spit was a very needed change and there are no bots to be removed.

This is entirely normal, nothing to see here, move along.


Yeah really, please Blizzard address bots, no one cares about emotes.

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It’s a joke that this multi dolar company can’t make a proper anti-cheat system.

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They cant ban bots because bots cant /spit.

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Also because bots make them money.


Blizzard will introduce the WOW token instead of dealing with bots. When that happens it will be game over for me.

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There are no longer bots or players, there is only paying customer. What to expect from such a high moral standards company :slight_smile:

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It perfectly sums up society. People want to be SEEN to be doing good, but at the end of the day they are selfish and more interested themselves and their own money, status, and power. The removal of /spit is a virtue signal, while their true intentions are loud and clear with bots, multi-boxing, and character boosts at the forefront of the game.

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One is easy, one is hard, so they do the easy thing to deflect.

one people asked for, the other no one cared about.

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Removing 1 line of code > removing whole companys botting and planning around getting detected.

Are you people trolling when you compare the 2 or do you want your replys on your thread to feel special because you cry about something that doesn’t impact your gameplay at all.

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