Reprisal - How it Really Plays

Hi Guys

I’ve gotten to the point of getting my first legendary. I’ve done the basic reading that gives advice of the ‘Wall’ for raiding and ‘reprisal’ for mythic +. My question is for those use the legendry Reprisal, how does it really play in mythic?. I’m a bit concerned by having to run in/out and keep using intervene it might actually be a pain in the bum playstyle and possibly spin mobs in a direction I don’t want.

Any feedback is welcome, I will mainly do mythic +but do want to get into raiding at some point. So would taking the ‘Wall’ legendary be wasted in mythic?.


why we should answer you ? ur not even thanking for the last answers on the other topic. kinda weird.

Before explaining here are important things you gotta remember when you use reprisal on M+ :

  • Standard : Shield block = 6 seconds => COST 30 rage

  • Use charge : Shield block = 4 seconds => GIVES 40 rage

  • Use intervene : Shield block = 4 seconds => GIVES 20 rage

In mythic+ for an exclusive physical dmg without bleeding effect pack your starter will be :

  1. Ravager
  2. Charge (40 rage left)
  3. Revenge! (40 rage left)
  4. Shield block (10 rage left)
  5. Avatar (40rage left)
  6. Shield block (10 rage left)
  7. Intervene on your melee dps (30 rage left)
  8. Revenge! (30 rage left)
  9. Shield block (0 rage left)

The ravager bonus rage will be used to spam revenge

That way, you will have Shield block for 26 seconds straight. Which means 26 seconds by taking very low dmg to ennemies IN FRONT OF YOU.

What is going make you use ignore pain or not will depends on the amount of magical dmg the pack is going to deal to you (something that you have to know before pulling.

Now, when it comes to a very common pack which will combine magical dmg + DoT that your healer cannot dispell (depending of your heal every dunjeon) and a bleeding effect things are a bit more difficult :

  1. Ravager
  2. Charge (40 rage left)
  3. Revenge! (40 rage left)
  4. Ignore pain (0 rage left)
  5. Avatar (30 rage left)
  6. Shield block (0 rage left)
  7. Heroic leap behind
  8. Charge (40 rage left)
  9. Revenge! (40 rage left)
  10. Ignore pain (0 rage left)
  11. Intervene on your melee (20 rage left)
  12. After using shield slam and thunder clap : Choose between ignore pain, revenge or shield block.

The ravager bonus rage will be used to spam revenge OR ignore pain OR shield block depending on which mobs are still alive (if there’s only 1 caster that you can constantly interrupt spell you can shield block and / or spam revenge)

That way, you will have Shield block for 18 seconds straight at least. Which means 18 seconds by taking very low dmg to ennemies IN FRONT OF YOU + Ignore pain bonus.

If that’s not enough, and it will most of the times be the case : Last stand or Shield wall BEFORE you fall under 40% HP.
If you fall under 40% HP and use Shield Wall after you’re a meme and literally trolling your healer.

With that being said. I’m not talking about thunder clap and shield slam that you can use anytime you want with that spell order because most of these are off GCD.

Hi Voraj

I appreciate such a detailed answer with rotation and usage of rage. Can you clarify one thing, when you use ravager, I take it that’s as soon as you hit the pack if the its off cooldown?

Ravager gives you 3 things early : Rage, aggro/threat and dps.

You have to use it before everypull, and if you don’t have it use it as soon as possible except if the pack is about to die in order to get more value for the next one.

Think as if ravager is a rage and threat generator before thinking as if ravager is a dps spell.

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