Requiem is a Semi-Hardcore PvE & PvP Guild mostly run by a few IRL friends. We are a bunch of friendly retail veterans that aim to experience every aspect that Classic has to offer and more! We take pride in the community we have built and want nothing more than a successful one that everybody can join and enjoy being part of.
A fun and friendly environment with a lot of passionate players. We like to think of ourselves here as a family, a lot of new friendships are made within our Guild and there are a lot of great people aswell as helpful players who love to help out others that might be levelling and struggling with quests or looking for a dungeon to run etc. We also play the endgame content on a weekly basis and currently lead very successful raids led by knowledgeable and experienced players. We have around 90-95% of a core raiding team but never struggle to have the numbers for each raid night, we’re just trying to fill the last few spots indefinitely but want to ensure that we pick the right people to progress with in future patches. We always have space for casuals or newcomers looking to learn the encounters, all are welcome and experience is NOT a requirement!
In regard to raid days and times we raid 3 days a week, 3 hours a night between 20:00-23:00 server time. These raids are primarily on Weds & Thurs, with Monday currently used to clear up any remaining content and ZG resets (which are no longer mandatory). Right now we are clearing all raid content (8/8 BWL + 10/10 MC) within one evening. We will most likely make use of the 3rd raid day going forward for progression during the later phases (and/or even just to farm older raids once the current and latest content is down for the week).
The loot system works on a Loot Council basis, with loot being awarded based on multiple factors (GM’s and Officers will decide who receives loot based on attendance and performance in raids, contribution towards the Guild in general, aswell as the effort put into your character and how beneficial that piece of gear is for your class or spec) to provide the fairest version of distributing loot which actively ensures the Guild’s constant progression. The Loot Council track all loot decisions and can always see who has received what, we also have a form of bad luck protection in place to make sure an individual doesn’t go several weeks without loot as we don’t want anybody to become demoralised and uninterested but we do believe this is the best way to handle loot overall.
We are primarily looking for more Mages & Warriors (DPS) to help with the distribution of loot and the other additional responsibilities expected of those classes. You may play as casually or hardcore as you like, but will be expected to attend every raid possible and put the same amount of effort in as the rest of us if applying for a Core Raider position (i.e - world buffs, consumables, enchanting gear). We do understand that IRL situations come up though and that’s not a problem for us as long as we are notified in advance, we use a sign-up event for each raid night where you are expected to sign-up as attending/tentative/absent.
Outside of raiding, we quite often have players willing to group for Premade Battlegrounds and farm honor. We also have a Coalition with several other Horde guilds on the server to help secure World Bosses and participate in World PvP with. In the past we have also hosted a few Guild Events, such as a 1v1 & 2v2 guild exclusive PvP tournament at Gurubashi Arena with a proper ruleset, brackets and prizes for the top 3 contenders/teams which is definitely something we look forward to doing again in the future.
Please get in contact with the GM’s or Officers in-game if you need additional information on how to join up with us (OR you can apply via the application below).
Guildmaster - Ky
Co-Guildmaster - Jacko
Main Officers - Deathsangel, Idolize, Nauiso, Sanza, Soradras, Swanz
Submit an application to Raid with us by filling out this form:
https:// docs. google. com /forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-2gHm8Sv-dDugnmzGNNE98zEz1zzA7llL865AeHLbXhy5-w/viewform
Guild Discord - https:// discord.gg /AHphwGW
(Feel free to join this pre-application if you have any questions and message myself @Jacko)