Resto Druid is severely overtuned

I know we likely won’t get to see any more tuning in this expansion, however

Getting spammed by 230k Wrath Crits (3 times more damage than a Moonkin), doing 300k HPS without casting even once, having as many stuns as a Rogue and basically being unable to die due to NPC’s is a bit too much

If devs do care about 1 more tuning, do the following:

  • Reduce Wrath damage by 30% for Resto
  • Reduce all healing by at least 5%
  • Increase the cooldown of Treants by 20% (recharge rate / cooldown)

The above is completely fair as the spec is simply miles ahead of any other healer right now


How is a resto druid gonna spam wrath against unhealable dh damage?

Resto druid raw hps is around the middle of the pack, and is significantly lower against purge classes

4 second stun, melee range, 1 minute cd

idk whenever a dh just looks at me I already lost 40% of my hp before I can react

Nope, pres is miles ahead of any other healer right now. Priest is also better than rdruid, shaman is debatable

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Ok Mr. Solo Shuffle addict, I will reply to this comedy

By having teammates who can press CC

Of course it is. That’s why it’s top healing every single game in every bracket and creates spam complaints by healer mains such as Lontar and Zen

Rake, Shadowmeld Rake restun Maim, oh wait I forgot you only play Shuffle so your viewpoint is heavily limited

Nobody mentioned DH here. I was playing on my Resto Shaman earlier and purges didn’t do anything either way.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Yea dh is notoriously easy to cc, especially when played with some other broken classes like deva

It’s not

literally noone goes for rake or main spam in 3s or shuffle and that’s for good reason. Are we playing the same game?

Rshaman is not exactly struggling

I guess transitioning from DH to something like Rshaman is difficult though


Case closed, literally crying over a 2v2 match lol

i think rdruid is just badly designed. With some specs its just impossible to actually punish/kill them before deep damp or they are oom. Some other specs are quite decent into rdruids this is whats keeping them in place.

would say pres, rdruid und holy are pretty even depending on bracket and comb.

Actuallly they do…you oom faster and lose faster against Rdruids :smiley:

Pres Evoker is only good because it counters to some extend Rdruid.Otherwise we would of seen even more Rdruids around.Hpriest is fineish balance wise.
The problem is Rdruid has high healing numbers,but they buffed his dmg dramaticly and also its hardest healer to kill.

Did crit for 220k wrath several times on my half geared druid when I helped a friend gearing and was quite shocked about these numbers tbh. Playing against rdru is incredible obnoxious now in 2s (same as fistweaver) unless your comp can deal massive damage and effectively swap on the druid…

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DPS need to swap to targets with no hots, that is when you can purge to not allow them to get lifebloom up. Lifebloom alone is a 50% healing buff due to getting triple mastery value from it. I hit 2200 in solo shuffle as RDruid and DPS that keep swapping is actually a nightmare for me, add someone purging and it’s really hard to keep up sometimes. Also Evokers are a nightmare when they CC me into tip breath to dispell all my hots.

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It’s not crying over a 2v2 match

I played the char for 2 days so far

That’s not the point

On other chars getting same treatment Druids pop Heart of the Wild and Tree form and spam 200k instant wraths while tree npcs top entire team, its ridiculous

Resto druid has been broken and arguably the best healer every season since season 1 BC. Too much CC, mobility, and hots make it just fundamentally better.

Yes you’re asking for nerfs because of how rdruid performed in 2v2. None of the points you mentioned actually have any relevance in 3s or shuffle.

Can I ask for nerfs because a class is op in world pvp next?

How dare a class that isn’t priest be played in 2s. AND EVEN DO DAMAGE ?!?

Instead of nerfing Druid, now also buff the damage of all other healer and nerf priest a little more <3

other suggestion, move the wrath dmg from rdrood to feral!

i think alll healers should be able to add damage and have impact on the game instead of dps doing 99% of the damage.Makes no sense to have overtuned dps classes and healers do no damage.

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Lmao ok then.

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