Resto druid tier set (2bonus) is a trap

Yo so I’m not familiar with the forums but I thought of throwing this… The tier set first bonus gives you a new weak/light hot (Renewing Bloom) that can be consumed by swiftmend. Unfortunately, as resto druid we use the Floral Recycling potency conduit plus verdant infusion. The former makes swiftmend heal extra (percentage) based on the consumed hot ( going in order including the new set bonus) Renewing bloom > Regrowth hot > Wild Growth > Rejuvenation. The latter will make Swiftmend extends your hots by some seconds and no longer consumes a hot.

Long story short, the conduit which is important in our healing is not viable anymore. It will instead consume ( not really consume with the legendary) a weak hot which downgrades our healing throughput. In fact the minute I noticed the weak hot being prioritized I just stopped caring about the tier set and will go back pvp tier. Yes the 4 bonus is good but a tier set shouldn’t downgrade a main ability ?!

You’re supposed to extend Cen Ward though

not question of extending it is question of the weak hot empowering swiftmend back then an already empowered reju ( soul of the forest talent) was used to empower swiftmend vvia Floral recycling (conduit) but now the empowerement is low chance since renewing bloom being attached to rejus ticks. Yes we do extend CW but not anymore all time. we extend it as well as gain the floral recycling benefit ( the healing of swiftmend get strong with reju sotf )

Extra hot gives like 10% more healing to everything, i doubt that one conduit alone is worth more than that, plus swiftmend heals for like 30k average for me, how much more do you need from it, 60k? I didn’t do any numbers testing though, maybe you can provide them.

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Just go more Mastery and 2 set is extremely strong.

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