Resto shaman, worst it has ever been

Can we get a dedicated thread where Resto shamans can just moan about how crap we are until blizzard sorts us out?

I tried to heal a +11 using my 420ilvl while doing 55k CRIT healing surge heals. Bye bye crappy Grevious.

Until then i’m only going to raid and do zero other content until i leave the game completely to do something more fun.

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Healed a +10 myself, didn’t have any issues with grevious. It also depends on how hard your party members make it for you! :slight_smile:

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Says it took you an hour to beat a +10 and you had a very nice team setup of melee’s which is ideal for shaman heals… t.t

Is alright, i’ve already created an rdrood alt

Shamans are known for being weak as m+ healers. They shine in raids and get better heal logs.
Yesterday i was with a shaman healer on a +5 key and he barely kept us alive (taking in consideration that he didnt healed me at all, i was healing myself or using GWx3stacks). We wiped 6-7 times and we finished on time, but we killed the last boss just 15 sec before timer.

it is great that shamans are garbage in a major end game content. As far as I know they also really suck in the new raid. Also terrible in pvp
that makes it 3 for 3 in terms of end game content gg

heals do nothing on 500k hp pools

Kind of both glad and a bit ashamed to see i’m not the only one suffering a bit in M+ lately. I’m well aware that Rshams are one of the best in raid scenarios (AoE heals + utility + cooldowns ahoy), but not so much in M+.

I haven’t pushed into a +10 yet (I don’t count tries in Mechagon), and i’m already afraid. (At least in this patch).

I healed underot 10 last week with my shammie, missed time by 8 seconds.

Grevious always screws us the most, but honestly i don’t find it unmanageable.

PS: my surges are critting at 60k with folks on 70% health or so, and into the 100k with undulation. Idk why yours look a little lower.

Maybe i struggled due to no Undulation. God… How awful is Rsham playing with 1 riptide and no unleashed life /gag

No thank you lol, and besides i’m done moaning about the class now, like i said, i’m only going to be raiding on this char.

My passion for the class is gone for now

The fact that it takes an hour is my fault is what you’re saying? :stuck_out_tongue: Were you there? :smiley:

The issues that we had during the run weren’t related to grevious. It’s also a first week with the new affix, maybe just MAYBE people are trying it out? It was my first +10 in the new affix.

Chosing a resto druid is the easy way out, I prefer to improve my own gameplay. Your choice ofc, have fun!

Just watched Cdew hitting a 120k regrowth while my surge crits¸for 53k, feelsgodman, THENK YOU BLIZZARD OH BTW PACK SPIRIT HEALING FOR 2k per tick LMAO

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Hey, well say bye bye too to resto shaman being equal to the other classes in raids. I am 9/9H and 1/9M and we are also at the bottom of the healing… Competitive guilds don’t even bring them on the first bosses. 15 pts difference between the god like pally and the resto shaman on 75th percentile mythic Eternal Palace healing logs (see warcraft logs healing stats for mythic, can’t link it…). I understand some nerfs for pvp (ghost wolf azerite trait for ex) but this is not looking good at all. Not mentionning that there is absolutely nothing about spec change in 8.2 for resto…

this is my main, no idea why the forums decided me to post with my dh scrub alt…

I think it’s due to the fact that EP doesn’t really have a lot of stackable bosses. Mostly are bosses where people are far way from one another.

New dungeon also has a few shaman unfriendly bosses.

whole game is shaman unfriendly.
garbage class design since legion, thanks alot

Yes its bad. In ebgs we are very very good. In arenas we arent even in top 15 specs in both 2v2 and 3v3 on arenamate. Which is very sad as healimg spec.

M+ isn’t easy but a good team goes a long way also, it actually feels easier than last season to me.
To the person saying we are bad in raid, you either are terrible or are raiding with amazing healers, or both.
I’d like to add also that logs are an indication only, and most of the best logs are tailored to be like that.
Killing a boss should be the focus, if u got a blue log and came 4th that doesn’t mean your class is bad, someone has to be 4th, usually placement revolves around cd placement.


My general experience. Shaman… is not the class it was when I was healing with it in Wotlk for sure, but it’s not that bad. I just need to know some good tips and such from far more experienced people on tips concerning Grievous and Mechagon.

I know they’re quite excellent in raids. Logs are not what shamans are for, and that’s been a long fact now.

I think its find and dandy that Blizzard want us to be powerful on stacked AOE healing, which we are.

But then why do they hardly make any encounters where we can actually do that. And what happens is that if raid decides to 4 heal and people are spread, guess who has to sit out no matter gear or skill.

I dont see any classes struggle with the same issue.

They need to buff all healing by 10-15% except riptide which should be buffed by 300%. It shouldn’t heal for 7,1k (423 ilvl) and 10,5k over 18 seconds. It should do 21k on instant heal and a 30k over 15 seconds.

Chain heal the jump shouldn’t do -30% per jump but -20%.
Totems should heal like druids heal.

Remove hex
Remove stun totem

Here is a 8.2 guide to dungeon healing as resto shaman, by Rank#1 rio resto shaman.