Ret what is it good for?

Ret what is it good for?

I never played Ret, but seeing the rework and how strong they seem to be, I might try it.

Can I compare it to another class as far as PVP gameplay goes, mostly played Rogue some Enh, and Warrior, basically melee.

Is it fun in PVP?

Ret is good in PvP, however, in contrast to what people may write on the forums, it is not without weaknesses.

Mobility is still the main one. If you are matched against a Frost Mage, you will be RP-walking around a lot, since your main movement ability (Divine Steed) is still impacted by slows, and Unbound Freedom was made dispellable/stealable. You lack any real gap-closers like Warriors and DH’s have.

Other than that, I would say it’s quite fun at the moment.

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Thanks for that

I think a lot of the appeal is that they are quite sturdy, they have gotten better defensives (although nerfed, still good), so not as reliant on external heals as a Warrior is. I would also argue that it is quite beginner-friendly, atleast the basics of it, so it doesn’t require too much experience on the class to become decent at it, unlike other classes can.

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I appreciate that, thanks:),so another Zandalari than :slight_smile:

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To own everyone with a face roll.

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TBH I’d just stick with Warrior. They’re just as strong as Paladin atm and bring Mortal Strike, while also having way better mobility. Then there’s the Spear of Bastion → Bladestorm → win combo. Doesn’t get more faceroll than that.

Spear of Bastion → Bladestorm → win combo is no longer being used,
Most builds are now Skullsplitter some shockwave ,spear is no longer used

Maybe not in arena but I still see plenty of Warriors using both Spear of Bastion and Bladestorm in BGs.

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