Retail wow has spoiled players so much

Well you see, I don’t care about the gear, it’s just an additional reward for me if I do end up getting my BiS with haste mastery.
The actual reward for me is playing the dungeons :smile: I guess that’s where our motivations to play the game differ.

There always can and should be a limit :wink: So after finishing hardest dungeon you’d feel that “omg we did it… :OOO” feeling.

And what if this people want a even harder dungeon ?

rEtAiL iS eAsY boooook boook bookkkk :rooster::rooster::rooster::rooster::rooster::rooster::rooster:

retail now looks way better honestly, finally these toxic “veterans” left


You do realize these great differences in power, imbalances if you would, and people crying since back then is the reason pvp and pve are relatively balanced today right?

People always have something to complain about… I played Vanilla back in the day.

If you enjoy 2004 graphics have fun, but keep it to yourself.

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Same with raids - wait for next tier :wink:

PS. I don’t mean to REPLACE mythic+, I’d like to have both types of dungeons.

I mean, I think QoL is things like paladin blessings lasting more than 5 minutes, multi-tagging mobs, buffs being automatically applied to the whole party, and escort NPCs being per-player so’s not not have a crowd of folk standing around where they will respawn in 10-20 minutes.

I don’t feel like any of these have spoiled me or made me soft - imho they should have been in vanilla and thus in Classic.

Those things you just said (except very minor ones like the blessing durations etc.) turned this game into a single-player MMO and limited the player interactions, Classic returning and being much more interactive then retail proves that.

I personally had way more interactions with other players and community in these 3 weeks then I did in last 3 expansion combined.Auto-tagging, phasing for escort like quests etc. you just said were the things that ultimately gimped the MMO feeling of the game.And turned it into this current weird state.BfA = Jump on the the so called ‘‘rare’’ mob with flying mount for WorldQ, never invite someone it’s pointless, with 15 people zerg the rare on the ground, kill it , loot it, re-mount, fly away and repeat, zero interaction.This is the current retail world experience.Felt so soulless.

I am not one of the classic-only fanatic player mindset or anything, just saying I don’t feel like playing retail after experiencing the community feel again in classic.Hopefully they will try to restore that feeling in retail too somehow , in later expansions.

Except for the private NPC escort, the rest WERE in vanilla.

Just my 2 cents why I love leveling in classic

It’s the sense of danger, you have to constantly be on your toes not to pull too much. Now the only “oh I pulled too much” moment is “Oh cmon! I will need extra 5 seconds to clear this…”

You are no hero, but a simple adventurer carving his/hers place in the world. You aren’t hailed as a hero, champion, saviour whatever everywhere I go so the quests actually make sense instead of “AHH! Champion of Azeroth! Slayer of the Lich King, Conqueror of the legion! Gather some flowers for me would ya?”
Piss off with this nonsence!

Slower pace. Up until Legion reworks, classes felt slower and it was what I liked about em. Now every class has an ability they always spam as a filler that is simply not fun to be pressed, but is pressed just to press

Somebody doesn’t play enough retail to realise the group content is actually challenging for most players on par in terms of item level with the content :thinking:

Somebody doesn’t also realize what a QOL change is, good players will always be better than mediocre/ subpar players. Regardless of what version of Warcraft you play whether its Retail, classic, tbc. Any expan. The only difference is how people want to see it. I could get into alot of detail and even throw in a bit of bias but I don’t want to start a war with people who try to compare an age old game to something modern an up to date when its still the same community which basically play it.

TL:DR Oh boo hoo. Change happens, adapt or perish. The game still has a skill cap on Retail and if you refuse to believe it then you must be the person asking for level 21’s for deadmines on classic :stuck_out_tongue:


So what you saying is. You prefer to not play the game over actively playing the game ?

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Yes, now they are complaining on classic forums how PvP happens in PvP realm, and addons break their game.

tell that to ragnaros, being killed by a group of 50 level players, in greens, 5 days after launch, bro
no one cares about world content , not in classic especially, raids it’s where is at, not your level 20 elite turtle on the beach
and guess what?
if u wont raid and get feed epics in classic, u will be forever feeder in pvp also
btw, i solo trash back in the days , in bwl and aq, on hunter
retail > classic ANYYYYY DAYYYYYYY

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COME BACK to us with this assumption once oyu are levelign your third or forth alt, hell, even your second
i remember the forums back in classic… everyone was moaning about leveling, me included

Ok op, pls do all dungeons on +15 next reset with teeming and fortified and i’ll do some elites in classic, we can compare after which was harder and took more effort.


As long as they do not complain in retail I am fine with it. :wink:

I would consider getting a titanforged/warforged from world quest/LFR a free win while some people have tried to get same stuff from M+ or real raids for months.

The whole concept of killing boars and collecting bear butts and being rewarded with high end stuff is beyond most idiotic game design after the ET fiasco and loot boxes.

It does not feel rewarding and it only pisses off people who actually enjoy getting rewarded from doing actual gameplay. Only people who like that design are lazy people or people who are addicted gimme everything yesterday people, and people who consider candy crush a game.

I mean when you see an elite somewhere in classic you’ll piss your pants because you are no name nobody “adventurer” that no one in the whole creation knows the name of or origin or parents. Of course that elite will wipe the floor with you.

In retail you are Azeroth’s Champion (A living symbol of hope, borne by the CHAMPIONS OF A DYING PLANET). That elite? Should die from your stare alone, you fell giants, defeated the burning legion, defeated a Titan (with a bit of help), imprisoned Sargeras.

This is called evolution, your character in retail isn’t an adventurer, it’s among the most powerful beings on the planet. In classic this is not true, in classic you are, well, you are no one, a weakling.

If retail would be like “classic” that is called STAGNATION.

no, i dont
i solo elites in classic
it must be an YOU issue, or a class issue, but that is a classic flaw, nothing to do with retail
dont speak for everyone, because you dont know how everyone is