Return to the Icy Realm of Northrend in World of Warcraft®: Wrath of the Lich King Classic™

thats great
heres hoping people DO return on stonespine eu on tbc classic for wrath/sunwell
there is a big lack of players none in orgrimmar shattrath or the tbc leveling zones

LFG is bad because of two reasons:

  1. It eliminates the necessity to walk/fly to the dungeon, which speeds up the game pace and makes world look more barren. And it also removes a portion of world PvP.
  2. It makes it easier to find a group. You don’t need to put any effort. You don’t even need to talk. A single press of a button and you are in. Which is exactly what kills the community. The moment you don’t need to communicate is the moment the community dies.

I understand how LFG (and the same argument can be made for LFR, as those are exactly the same in philosophy, but different in scale) can be appealing to an average player, because it is convenient. However, convenience should not be bought with a price of the community itself. If anything, for LFG Andies I would suggest to try playing Retail as it provides all QoL changes that you are craving for.

This “argument” is getting seriously old.
There’s basically no difference between pressing “Find group” button and /w inv

Don’t really see the social element.
BTW according to all the polls I’ve seen (warcraftlogs, reddit) - only 25% of players want WotLK without dungeon finder.

So it would be nice, if blizz could actually listen to majority.


I’m sorry, but at least two reasons are stated above your message. You are either not listening, or you don’t want to hear it. And on top of that you have addressed only one of the reasons.

But to address your message, I am just going to say that LFG mechanism is different from LFG chat. There is no personality attached to it, no one can ‘deny’ your application based on your rep and/or class, you can’t select whom are you going to play with. Aside from that, if someone whispers you, you can be sure that it took him more effort to do it rather than press a button which means it is less likely for him to leave the party if you wipe, because, again have to repeat, it will take more effort to find a new group.

EDIT: I have realised that I myself have incorrectly addressed your message, making the same mistake. I acknowledge that I am a minority and the majority wants LFG back (and they will also want LFR when Cata will be released). However, people who wanted Classic in the first place were the minority. It is the minority who did not agree with the direction Retail was going to. That exact minority, me included, was yelling that LFG/LFR/flight mounts ruined the game. And that did not change. We are still a minority. However, if you have really liked playing Classic, why do you want to make it look more like Retail? Isn’t this exactly why you have abandonned Retail in the first place?


Also you are wrong …

Also noone wants to play older expansions because they were boring, lame and annoying, noone wants to play classic to spend half a year just on leveling …

People want to play because the mechanics, gameplay, world were fun in those expansions …
Same as people are commenting that wotlk wasnt awesome only because of its LFD, they are also forgetting that wotlk wasnt awesome because you had to spend half hour sitting somewhere spamming LFG …

Wotlk was awesome because of its talents, class design, world and story …

Retails offers far superior gameplay with more challenging raids, mythic+ dungeons, lots of collectibles and so on. However, Classic is thriving precisely because it feels like a true MMO game. Because you have to level up, you have to struggle with lacking QoL features. Do you really think people like me really like installing addons to filter LFG chat instead of having a convenient function, or tedious levelling, or probably reputation grind? No. However, lack of LFG in-built function adds a layer for communication person-to-person instead of automatic group assignment, tedious levelling results in people forming groups that later on tend to form guilds, reputation grind (and levelling) adds a feeling of accomplishment.

I fully agree that WotLK was awesome because of its talents, class design, world and story. Achievements were also something that added a whole lot of content. But please do not pretend like it is all perfect. Fly mounts in TBC were a mistake that added lots of convenience at the cost of world activity. LFG in WoTLK added even more convenience at the cost of even more world activity drop. LFR in Cata… you get it. WotLK has also introduced a rather controversial gearing, where a new raid is way superior than a previous one. And attunements were removed as well (I kinda understand this one, because they definitely did not feel good for alts and new players, but they are still fun if you are doing them for the first time).

So my position is as follows: if you don’t like older expansions, please go and play Retail. It offers everything you want and even more. If you feel nostalgic and/or want to have a feeling of belonging to a community, then Classic is the way to go. But please do not make Classic like Retail and Retail like Classic.

Well, i got your point, but how exactly does it ruin wpvp on normal realms? There is a lot of people, not even a bit interested in PvP. Plus, if I am logged in LFD, I have a lot of time, to roam the world, questing etc. so I have a lot of time to be out of city or another safe locality, where I have to camp and spam world chat, while looking for dungeon group to do dungeon I need. So does lfd still looking that bad?

What on earth gave you that idea? Players ( like me anyway ) wanted classsic for the content…a chance to do the things we didn’t do the first time around.

No you didn’t.

Didn’t you see what the troll just said?


Yea. I was so looking forward to WotLK cause of the Dungeon Finder. I agree with those who question, “which community have you been asking exactly?” (I’m fairly sure that I have not had my voice heard"

Yea. Anyway! Not that thrilled about WotLK anymore. In the long run, just questing isn’t that much fun in the end. Spamming chat and take a hike for a period of time sure ain’t my thing either.

Put up alternativ server tabs up with WotLK. With and without Dungeon Finder. Im fairy sure you only gonna need 1 server for those who DONT want it in game.

Huge misstake here Blizzard!

No thanks.
Can you post this spam on the Classic forums please?

Your problem is, that the nostalgia rush never lasts…so you can denigrate ‘LFG Andies’ as much as you like, the stats however indicate that the original ‘community’ heavily relied on gatekeeping coercion…However the facts are, that freed from that coercion, the ‘community’ embraced QoL amendments to balance gaming, with RL commitments.


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