Returning player...about Ashbringer

Hello everyone and good morning.

At the moment i am posting this i noticed that on Alliance side and also on the Horde side, Ashbringer has 50 players on the /who list…is the server really as bad as many say or is it gaining new players?

People think it will be the new realm for free transfers so expect it to fill up soon.

and Thursday at 10 am? not many playing :wink:

It is locked at 50 on /who.

On Horde currently it is actually,

1-50 = 23
51-60 = 18
61- 68 = 10
70 = 38

Alliance is generally 66 to 200% of Horde numbers.

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Let’s see how many people use the free transfers there. Remaining Alliance on Ashbringer will be suffocated, though.

It’s a super dead realm

Yeah, but so was Morgraine before the free transfers.

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