Rio should stop documenting failed m+ runs, would stop mid run leavers for sure

Rio is great addon itself, but the fact it documents your untimed runs for eternity, makes people rather want to leave than to have shi*ted in history of runs.
Please blizzard, make rio documenting only timed runs, it’s all that’s needed.

Also would want to point out that if rio made system that would show who left keys it would be even worse because people then would start to composite their group even more carefully, to the point where ppl without guild or friends in game would see m+ as something unreachable as mythic raiding.

And to these who will write down that it doesn’t depend on blizzard. IT DOES, they support rio addon so they really can decide.
Once again- please blizzard, make rio documenting only timed runs, it’s all that’s needed. It will save lots of stress and frustration

And this is different from your general forum thread how…?

Report as inappropriate and move on, people.

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