Royal Swarmer

I don’t know which legend, which absolute demon of a person woke up and decided to whack this on the Trading Post, but you sir or madam, are incredible.

By far the best mount added to the Trading Post
Not sure if you woke up and had an extra wheatabix biscuit with honey
Or you popped a NZT-48, fromm Limitless but

Holy moly
Can you do this level of awesomeness for July too?

To think people raved about purple lanky flying snake
And flame horse
Get outta here… :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Big love
:heart: :heart:


eh, personally not a huge fan of them, still got 3 recolours from BFA and never used them once.

But glad you like it! Always great when the Trading Post gets people hyped :clap:


Completely reasonable , I have 0 however lol

The colour palette alone is fantastic and really pops!

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