Delete Thread, please

  • Delete this post -

If I were you, I’d delete this thread and move on. It doesn’t exactly paint your friend in a great light.


Naming and shaming is forbidden on the forums. Please report to a GM if you deem it necessary but remove this thread.

I’m sorry that you found yourself involved in something like this, I know it can be very upsetting, but I’d recommend you take any action you find necessary to the reports system and to Blizzard to investigate in accordance with the harrassment policies.

Naming and shaming goes against the forum’s rules and is not an acceptable tool to try and resolve the issue.

Best of luck.

Why is your pal telling people to die?

Gotta agree majorly with Rotwild here.
Also, let us know who this Slock is in the PCU/what guild he’s in, either here or over discord, never heard of him/sounds like a fictional figure

Just read those epic gamer logs, what’s wrong with your friend?

Imagine telling people to die because you got owned in RP, christ


How likely it is the guild is not even PCU, guys?
Place your bets now!


100% likely, it turns out!
Hey OP, leave us out of your wacky stormwind RP henceforth, ok? You can have issues with someone without spitting some makebelieve about them being in our community.


Personally I do not know any of the people that are involved to be associated/within the PCU, as Tehya comically comments on above me. If they were, it’d be likely that they would be instantly kicked because of that sort of behaviour.


This forum post is really embarrassing.


It sounds like your friends had themselves confused. The person in question is not in a PCU guild. If you are ever unsure in the future, here is a helpful thread that updates the moment there are changes.


I realise I messed up. I should have cleared up the fact that my friend was saying “Die” in response to Slock harassing him. Which is wrong - I am trying to delete the post but it is saying I do not have permission… I am sorry for coming accross wrong. If anybody is on AD Alliance could whisper “Fordux” and tell me how to remove the thread?


You cant, but you can, i believe, just edit it into blanked gibberish and turn the title to Delete This

You could have just checked the PCU thread to see if the guild was in there.

Instead it feels you’ve asked some tinfoil conspiracy theorists that have concluded the guild was a secret hidden PCU section and dropped that bold claim out without consideration.

it’s alright. just click the trash bin near the bottom of the OP or just edit it entirely out.


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