[RP PVP] Theatres of War: Weapons of Wonder - 2nd Aug

Sylvanas’ gambit in the great sea has broken the Alliance’s fleet. Thunder Bluff is on the verge of rising in rebellion. Both the Alliance and the Horde bleed from a thousand cuts, leaving a terrible mark across the lands from the Loch to the Hinterlands.

Both sides grow desperate - with Azshara’s rise from the murky depths, the war must be ended decisively before both factions are crushed between the two fronts. The High Commands of both powers turn their eyes north, where the meddling of Telzo Sparkspanner has sent rumblings through the ancient vaults of Ulduar - the Forge of Wills coming to life once more and revealing a cache of ancient artefacts coveted by gnomish scholars as a means to unmake the Horde’s cities. Captured Zandalari sailors, too, reveal something of the Horde’s plans - with the dusty libraries offering a means for a fragment of the fallen Mam’toth’s essence to be recovered to used in a forbidden rite with the explosive power to rival that of the great loa’s death, all those years ago.

Hello gamers,

Here comes the next instalment in the Theatres of War - this time taking place in the zones of Zul’drak and the Storm Peaks.

We’ve taken some notes form last time and it’s pretty obvious that with the server infrastructure as it is, splitting into two zones is a very good idea unless we want to severely limit sign-ups

This will be a restricted RP PVP campaign with the usual ruleset (a reminder will be posted later)

If you’re interested, please sign up with this template:

Guild name: The Rotgarde
Faction: Horde
Theatre: Zul Drak
Active membership: 15
Contact: Perroy
Note: You’re really cool, OP

The two theatres will be run with separate stories but will interlink / have an effect on each other where appropriate and you may be moved (IC) between them as appropriate. It should last 7 - 10 days

For contacts: hit up myself / Railcraft / Skabb
OK cool cya there


I’ll take signups below! Note that a signup isn’t accepted until it’s added to the list.

Just as a disclaimer, we will try to accommodate everyone into the zone they sign up for, but we need to take balancing numbers into consideration too — if you’re fully set on playing in one zone and don’t want to (potentially) move to the other at all, please make a note of that in your signup.

We’ll do our best to accommodate you in the zone you’ve chosen, but in the event that we absolutely need to move your guild and you absolutely don’t want to move, we’ll need to remove the signup. Not to be harsh, but balancing numbers is v. important for the enjoyment of everybody!

EDIT: Closing Storm Peaks signups for Alliance for now! Note that all Alliance signups until further notice will be placed in Zul Drak automatically.


Guild name: The Rotgarde
Faction: Horde
Theatre: Zul Drak
Active membership: 15
Contact: Perroy
Note: You’re really cool, OP


Guild name: Painted Shields
Faction: Horde
Theatre: Zul Drak
Active membership: 8-10
Contact: Takrata
Note: Trolls are cool


Guild name: Grim Gest
Faction: Horde
Theatre: Storm Peaks
Active membership: 10
Contact: Morsteth
Note: :chains:


Guild name: Holy Order of Lordain
Faction: Alliance
Theatre: Storm Peaks
Active membership: 2-5
Contact: Nathanael


Guild name: Assemblage of Uld
Faction: Alliance
Theatre: Storm Peaks
Active membership: 5-7
Contact: Luigi, Railcraft
Note: Assemblage, Assemble!


Guild Name: Roaming Swords
Faction: Alliance
Theatre: Storm Peaks
Active membership: 2-4
Contact: Demolishing, Hacklet


Guild name: Heart of Oak
Faction: Alliance
Theatre: Zul Drak
Active membership: 3-5
Contact: Tellingworth
Note: The hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 2 billion degrees Kelvin, over 100 times hotter than the core of the Sun


Guild name: Order of the Seven
Faction: Alliance
Theatre: The Storm Peaks
Active membership: 3 - 8
Contact: Adáeron, Emeleth
Note: In 1992, 29,000 rubber ducks were lost at sea, and they are still being discovered in unexpected places.


Guild name: Hand of Conquest
Faction: Horde
Theatre: Storm Peaks
Active membership: 13-18
Contact: Apawi, Toq, Gobbert
Note: Thirteenth!!!


Name: Kump (Gor’kamp Axefang) :crossed_swords:
Faction: Horde :muscle:
Theatre: Storm peaks… :mount_fuji:
Contact: me :wolf::smoking:
Note: I’m bit doubtful about some things, namely which character to show up and where to fight. For now, i sign up as my Orc, and in Storm Peaks.
Thank you, very cool! :heart:


Name: BaerHugues
Faction: Alliance
Theatre: Storm peaks
Contact: Me
Note: Very hyped about this new campaign. Time to bring more frost in that frost !


Name: Rhyn
Faction: Alliance
Theatre: Storm peaks
Contact: Me
Note: Here to make Horde die hard. Might be on a bit late with timezones, ought to be good otherwise.


Name: Syandi
Faction: Horde
Theatre: Storm Peaks
Contact: Me
Note: The Earth is flat. Change my mind

1 Like

Guild Name: The Tempestarii
Faction: Alliance
Theatre: Storm Peaks
Active Membership: 2
Contact: Agtherian or me
Note: very cool campaign wow thank


I’m on holiday at the time, but it’s good to see that the campaigns are still coming. Hats off. :slight_smile:


Guild name: Highblood Myrmidons
Faction: Horde
Theatre: Storm Peaks
Active membership: 8-12
Contact: Elyrius, Eirdarias
Note: All of those titan relics belong to the Reliquary. Also OP is cool yeah


I disagree.


Seven hells, Railcraft…