Russains Premades destroying the fun

You don’t wanna move Russians away in there own Battlegroups

You don’t wanna Ban the addons used to go in BGs as a group

You don’t wanna make us see who we are going against before accepting

You ignor EU COUNTLESS THREADS asking you to solve this

Then allow us to to Vote kick our opponents , this way they will think twice before using kick bot and group as a premade


10 symbols

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Bla bla more racist bla bla

If it bugs you so much make your own premade groups. Being russian isn’t an unfair advantage.


Wasnt that addon broken like 6 years ago or something?

I am not racist when i point out that you guys DO NOT play fair

today i left 8 BGs in total , EPIC BGs since you guys only do premades on 40 man groups , i am not the only one a lot of Horde complain about you guys playing dirty.

If you guys wanna be compatitve go play RBGs or do a 40 man raid attack on other Factions city .

Going in with 40 man premade give you an overwhelming advantage , you cannot lose 1 healer even , and the all bugs DO NOT have the level of communication you guys have ( 30 DPS focus 1 target after they get order on voice or /rw , how fair is that for us ? )

I am 100% postive the more we complain a change will happen , its called RANDOM epic BGs NOT Free Honor farming for Premades


First: ‘You guys’ sounds racist
Second: I am British
Third: You have in game comms and raid warnings. Next time your in a bg and you THINK its a premade get on the chat and say ‘right guys we in for a battle here, either we get on comms or leader calls out targets’.

BOOM no unfair advantage.

THINK was in capitals because you actually have no way of knowing its premade and probably assume that everytime you see russian looking names you assume its premade.


9th BG against Russains , A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE leaving and complaining , good , soon people will boycott EPIC BGs and force blizz to fix it :slight_smile:

1 HR Later
AND 10th BG against Russains , this time IOC , People are just quitting the BG while other come in and leave 10 seconds later

I am directing people towards forums , the more we point it out , the faster we get this fixed


I am having a blast playing games on Switch, i can actually set what type of players i can battle in pvp.

Playing a game with no lag or no premade feels so good.


Racist?! Where do you see any racism?


The title. The first sentence.



  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race.

The race being Russian.


guy just salty his team cant win when doubt turn side

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  • Each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.

Nationality doesn’t = Race

People play the race card when there’s no racism there far too often these days. OP just complaining that he doesn’t want large premades in random BG’s…


That’s not what he said though. I’m fed up of people blaming russians for premades. Anytime I go in a bg and we are against a team with names that consist of the Russian alphabet someone will say ‘Russian Premade’.

Firstly the Russian alphabet is used for OVER 50 LANGUAGES.
And just because they use one of these languages does not mean they are premade.
The op and others would probably come up against premade groups that didn’t have names using the russian alphabet and never even know.

If you want to moan about premades that’s fine but leave nationalities out of it. Blaming it all on one country is prejudice, whatever term you want to give it.


I have to say I have come up against “russians” in BG’s and some of the games they have been suspiciously coordinated. It’s definitely more common against teams with names using the russian alphabet so I can see why this topic keeps appearing on the forums.
Didn’t a similar thread used to appear years ago specifically about german alliance players being premade?
I dunno I feel like people assuming they’re all russian is less prejudice, more just ignorance or laziness. I use the term russian premades, it’s sure as hell easier than trying to figure out if they’re bulgarian/ukranian/serbian etc etc.


Why not just premade?

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Dude, people dislike playing in Epic Battlegrounds vs russians because they’re known to use them as HK farm.
And by “are known to use them as HK farm” I mean:

  1. Player experience (I’ve stopped playing Epic Battlegrounds for the same reason)- I haven’t had any issues playing vs other nationalities (they rarely use the defending for Honorable kill farm tactics), lose some win some. But vs Russians it’s always HK farm which I didn’t enjoy. Hence I stopped doing Epic battlegrounds.
  2. Russian players posting here on forum explaining how they indeed use Epic Battlegrounds for HK farm.
    There’s a reason why the players with most Honorable Kills are Russian players:
    So my questions for you: Do you like being HK farmed? Our are you afraid to voice your opinion on the matter because you don’t want others to call you “racist”?

Do you think English players will ever use Voice in Epic Battlegrounds and follow the leader?

Conclusion: Most people who’re complaining on the forums don’t like being HK farmed, hence the dislike to those 40 man Epic Battlegrounds vs Russians. It has nothing to do with them being russians, just the way they play the battlegrounds.

P.S. And the term you were actually looking for was “xenophobia”, not racism. But both are not applicable in this issue so no harm done.


I’m guessing because it’s a something most people only experience playing against teams using the russian alphabet. I can’t remember the last time I played against an EU team and felt like they were premade.


No its not. That a fear of other nationalities. I’m taking prejudice. Implying all premade groups in bgs are russian.

You can see their honor level easy enough before you start. Easy way to tell if its a premade group. I conquest cap every week and I think I’ve come up against a premade group once in epic bgs.


You do know that Russians are not a race right.


What does Honor level have to do with anything?
I’m almost Honor level 280 and I’ve never been in a 40 man premade.
I was talking about Honor KILLS farm.

And what’s racist about that, russians aren’t a race? I’m not here to teach you about some basic terms, so before you insult others about being “racist” you should look up the word and learn its proper meaning.

“Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”

Ethnicity ≠ Race