Safe Haven Thrall Cinematic

That i fail to see the motivation behind tagging along characters that, from an ingame point of view, would have motives/reasoning that clashes with what Blizzard forcefully expanded regarding the other races.

Like, creating some plausible reasoning to have Goblins, Forsaken, Blood elves, Zandalari, Darkspears, etc…all on board regarding this war.
Just to then throw in random twists like these that are supposedly aimed at making players feel bad for swallowing and accepting those reasons as something valid.

At this point, why would any Forsaken oppose Sylvanas and her reasoning of securing the whole planet for them while also killing the ones that have been throughout the years quite vocal about wanting to exterminate their race?

Why would the Zandalari now settle with making peace with the ones that thought it would be a great idea to preemptively strike their homeland and kill their king?

Why would any Blood elf mage that had any sort of connection to Dalaran, be willing to make the sort of unconditional peace Baine argued for regarding Jaina?

The list is quite extensive, but the point remains: These cinematics certainly appease a very specific segment of the Horde faction. But most certainly leave the rest hanging or under some Villain sign.
And this is some rather sick twist on Blizzard’s part, considering the fact that they were the ones that wrote them into the corner where these collectives might feel vindicated to carry on with this war.

Yeah, Thrall’s back…yayy…And the rest?

Anyway, this is, again, what happened with MoP. Only this time, the ones that will be thrown under the bus will be the Forsaken instead of the orcs.

But rest assured people, in the end it’ll all be because only a MINORITY of the FORSAKEN army sided with Sylvanas.
And we will all sing happily ever after after we scapegoat the whole thing on Sylvanas alone.

Meanwhile, excuse me, but i think i missed a few kids and puppies to impale with my Darkspear troll in Brennadam…


Why did Blizzard have to kill Vol’jin for nothing?

There are many more questions beyond a puny, little undead high elf, that are left unanswered.

Because they wanted to force a faction war that, if this video is of any indication, is utterly pointless.

By killing him in the previous expansion, where the factions had barely any storylines anyway.

Vol’jin > Baine and Thrall.

This makes no sense. But then again, that’s a common theme in this expansion. And while before I thought there would be something, some event that will make everything clear, I do not believe that now because there’s so much irrationality that cannot be explained even if they dedicated an entire expansion to doing that.

But hey, at least the cinematic looks pretty.

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Forsaken Rogues are noobs lorewise :stuck_out_tongue:

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He had balls, whereby he would have gone to war if the Alliance started attacking the Horde for Azerite (which I believe would have been the story and would have been better.)

As for Darnassus and Lordaeron - I do think Darnassus would have been occupied, providing the Alliance were relentless in their attacks. Lordaeron, I don’t think this would have been taken, as I believe either Thunderbluff or Orgrimmar would have been attacked and taken over.

Thankfully the writers are done with that mess of a character that is Tyrandumb as they just confirmed, giving me hope for the Alliance despite being forced to help Thrall. These secondary characters must be put in their place. I am very glad that it is Jaina, a character with an actual brain, and a Human, who leads the Alliance war effort against Azshara and the effort to rescue the cow.

Wrong thread.

Please Blizzard let me the bash this one’s skull with my Doomhammer :smile:


Another stupid cinematic. :woman_facepalming: But the art team is amazing. :heart_eyes:

Dude, this is awesome! Another high-quality video from Blizzard! And this time it’s actually focused on the Alliance! Alri-



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Your optimism prior to watching that video is odd. What, in that thumbnail, made you think it had anything to do with the Alliance?

Will Saurfang cinematic never end,i would like to see multitude of characters in upcoming cinematics,dunno why is so enjoyable to keep the camera to one character for 1 minute .

Well how about giving him a death there’d be like his brother’s death where he wounds a void lord?

Mr. Vol’jin really made a fool of himself.

It’s probably cause the Horde players aren’t 100% behind him. I guess we needed another video to convince us that Saurfang - Good ; Sylvanas - Bad.

And those who can’t be doing with another rebellion story arc - f**k off outta here, you donkey, with Gordon Ramsey’s accent.

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Do you realize that if Blizzard turns horde players from Sylvanas to Saurfang ,then Sylvanas is like dead without any support,are you agreed with ?