Saved UI settings erased

As title says; when DF launched and after getting kicked off of server, all my UI saved data got wiped clean.


My ui setting all reset to default also. Great stuff.

…yeah, seems to be a bug/thing now with the messy launch.
I spent… hours sorting out my UI to make it look the way it did; and now this happens and I’m just… ughhhhh…

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Amazing. Its all reseted

Same all my custom profiles got DELETED

Found a way to get them back

Go to WowFolder/_retail _/WTF/Account/{numeric value of your account}
Delete edit-mode-cache-account.txt (make a backup just in case)
Rename edit-mode-cache-account.old to edit-mode-cache-account.txt


Sweet, I only see edit-mode-cache-account.old in my folder; do I just rename that to txt then?

Try it, I think it should work

Giving it a go now, hoping to be able to enter; stuck on loading.

Thank god, it worked. Thanks alot mate

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Sadly didn’t work for me.

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Thanks for the tip! Same happened to me but i dc’ed after i got on the isle and cant get back on anyways … hopefully this fix will work for me when i try again tomorrow :slight_smile:

Worked for me for now.
I wonder if we need to change the old .txt to a new one for each character tho , or is it enough to do it once in the main ACC folder ?
Don’t want to risk logging out atm so i can’t check if this fix worked for all of my chars ;p

I struggle with this problem now, and I will try out the short term fix for this later. This UI bug kills my joi right now…

My game crashed and nuked my UI for the second time.

Same issue, fix didn’t work

same thing a week later…

not only it resetted again now, it’s worse than before. what the fk are you doing blizzard

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