Say no to racials balance

Racials balance is a joke, i played both classic and tbc as rogue alliance vs orcs resisting me every stun and now in wotlk when humans have a gode racial you are going to make a balance? Then people wonder why nobody play alliance lol, every step blizzard take is in favor of horde, classic and tbc with horde racials beeing OP and now in wotlk you are going to balance? LOL

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How was the line…? “I play zugzug because I like race aesthetic and all my friends are horde, not because the horde racials are better”. LOL

They are anticipating all the post horde will create in the forums when WotLK launches and the faction change is not implemented . Because all their friends are going Alliance (not because EMFH, just aesthetics are more appealing in WotLK)


its every hom0sapien for itself now btw. get with the program

should be Every Being for Itself then :wink: Some of us are not of the species Hom0 sapiens, thank you very much. Besides it will be renamed to the inane name from Retail.
And the H. word not allowed. Hehe. AI not very sawwy :wink:

the fact that its not a joke and that you cant even write hom0 sapiens without somehow changing it makes me kinda sad …

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I identify as a neanderthal, and why is it called every hom0sapiens for himself? I thought blizzard was inclusive

Alliance always have advantage. Whole classical, alliance got op paladins while horde got noob shamans.

Alliance also got humans with demon-hunter vision, dwarfs that counter all melles, and gnomes that counter op mages. Horde got fear resistance for 5 sec on undead and some stun resists on orc.

Whole classical humans discover Berny from super far away, super unfair.

Kdian believes horde stronger in classic, and alliance stronger in wotlk. Wrong. Alliance always stronger in any game version.

Also, actibuzz never did any balance changes to help horde. Only 1 thing buzz did for horde is same-faction bg. Still not enough to counter alliance op racials.

And yes, most players play horde because of visuals. Kdian check SOM population numbers. SOM mostly hardcore peoples. And ofc, most SOM alliance. Alliance is true problem.

Damned commies wanna take our racials

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Play an Orc and see what your racial does for you in a frost nova.


reduce the duration of the incoming deep freeze

just saw the message you was replying to. you are referring to stun resist in vanilla

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