Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

I am comfortable in heroic. M0 is too hard. What now?

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Get geared up then, but I actually find it hard to believe someone who is doing up to +5 keys can’t just do all keys at +2s.

With you it feels more like you are protesting more on principle of the lower dungeons range being removed. Which is also fine.

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I am not doing +5 keys?
The only run i can show since M0 isnt recorded. Also unfinished dungeons aren’t recorded.

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Your profile says otherwise

Mistweaver (10 years experience)


Brewmaster (1 season up to +17 experience)

We are two, literally two days into the season… People are 12+ ilvls below +2 still trying to easy clear it and complaining calling it failed changes…

It will be fine once those people are geared… Why rush? From what I understand from your previous comments your problem is not mechanics… Its the classes / specs… That has nothing to do with whether the dungeon has M+ mechanics or not… You can learn your spec/class in dungeons without mechanics too, but you want to do both at the same time, which is fine, but that has nothing to do with the system…

Same, I skipped too with friends and even pugs, and all of us pretty much just laughed how hard we got bonked at times xD But we got through it… And still will…

Exactly! Its like peoples egos are getting to them… Calling M0 “useless” or “waste of time” just because they don’t give rating, but then complaining that +2 is too hard for them because they aren’t experienced on spec X Y Z… Then maybe the problem really is, that you are not comfortable playing your spec and it has nothing to do with M0 or M+…

Like I mean, clearly if people with equivalent ilvl are able to push higher keys than you, it must mean they know the class better etc… That goes for me as well… People are my ilvl but doing way higher keys, I practice and get gear through the lower ones, and at some point, I will get there too. No reason to expect pushing top end keys from day 1…

This! And THEN the M0 will begin to show its purpose… That the HC geared players can just enjoy and play a challenging dungeon without having to be rushed or minmax…

Here its apparent too… Your problem is not lack of mechanics in lower dungeons… It seems to be your familiarity and comfort playing a spec… That you can still learn and progress outside of M+…

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That is the point. That content is removed. It is too easy (and without mechanics) or it is too hard.

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Why is it removed? if HC is too easy, then do M0 ? You can literally practice there for hours… You can do the same boss over and over until you learn… Clearly you can do it easy as MW, so it must be a spec issue for you…

Content is not removed, problem is, before you had your expectations at “Okay, I need to practice BM on +2” now you seem to go “Okay, I need to dive directly into +2 (old +12)”… Why not practice in M0?

And if M0 is also too easy, then farm the gear? You are 16 ilvls below a +2… Farm the gear and it will be easier when doing your +2… Of course being that below ilvl will leave you sweating…

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How do you practise for hours when people just leave?

Yes the content is removed +2 to +9 is removed.

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to use your own words; “Its about community, guilds, friends” :slight_smile:

Right. That is just trolling.
Can also just give +2-9 back and let me slowly learn and practise in a non full time wiping environment. That would actually be a good experience.

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Why? Before when I said forming groups was hard, you weren’t trolling when you said the solution was “communities, guilds and friends” but now that you say people are leaving and getting groups to practice is an issue and I use the same argument I am trolling? How convenient right?

Different problem, other solutions.

Leaving is something that happens across all content.

Friends also aren’t going to be there for hours upon hours to let you pull 1 pack. And wipe over and over again.

Nope, the problem is forming groups. So essentially the same problem :slight_smile: use those friends, communities and guilds you undermined my problem with :slight_smile: Clearly my issue was not a problem because “How could +2-9 be dead when you were running them constantly!” right?

If this is the case, then
A) You are not comfortable playing your class
B) You are too undergeared for the content you are trying to do

Sir, i got in 1 M0 and 3 M+2’s yesterday evening (and 3 heroics), after a full time dayjob, cooking, dinner, coffee, hunt, feats and siege. Getting in groups is not the problem.

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Of course, I just found it a bit ironic, that when I mentioned how I struggled doing +2-9 keys last season because people simply wouldn’t do them, I got a “The solution is guilds, communities and friends” but now that forming groups to practice is a problem that solution isn’t an option

A; indeed. So please give me the content where i can slowly learn.
B: No i am not. 481 is enough for M0.

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