Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

I will repeat:
If this is the case, then
A) You are not comfortable playing your class
B) You are too undergeared for the content you are trying to do

No where do I say, getting in a group is a problem :slight_smile:

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and i repeat.

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A) You have it, in both HC and M0
B) if 481 is enough, you shouldn’t wipe on single pulls continously, if you do, then either A is lacking in general or B is not true.

481 can be enough for some. But again, YOU may need higher ilvl if A is not met.

Explained why both aren’t suitable.

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And I explained, why this is then a you problem and not a system problem :slight_smile:
You seem to want to complain just for the sake of it, and thats fair. But you have options to slowly progress. You’re just too stubborn to admit 481 may not be enough for you to play as the spec you are trying to or that you do not know the spec enough for the level you want to play.

it is a system problem since they changed the system. Previous seaons it wasnt a problem since the content to slowly learn existed.

Where do i get higher than 481 gear? I already did all the weeklies.
Ok right. Get carried by my 10 year old experienced spec and run M+.

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Nah not really… People seem to progress pretty neatly. All the options are there. But when people like you refuse to farm gear and claim 481 is “enough” when apparently getting continuously wiped on single pulls, then it becomes more of a “you” problem really.

If it was the system, no one at 481 would be able to. I did a +2 on my 465 disc… So clearly it can be done.

Great it works for you.

I am also not refusing to farm gear. I already did all the weeklies. Did 5 heroics, tried M0 and M+2.

It works for a lot of people. Meaning, it again falls back to you and your own performanc and not really the system.

This isn’t going to go anywhere, it’s first week and some will need to gear first, especially if you are trying to play a class or spec you are not familiar or comfortable with. After the squish that means heroic and mythic 0.

In that case i can only speak for myself and my experience. Am i not allowed to give it on a public forum?

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You most definitely are. But claiming the system for learning is not there, would just not be true. I even wrote it before, if you just want to sit and say 481 is enough for you to do higher content, but you get one shot, sure… Feel free to. But if it was actually the case you wouldn’t wipe on single pulls :slight_smile:

Before we were able to jump day 1 in content suitable for us.

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You still are. You just refuse to accept +2 is not suitable for you at this moment on a BM

I asked multiple times where to get higher than 481 gear though.

No i am not??? That is exactly my point! M0 isnt either.

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You can upgrade gear, if you’ve done all M0 (You said before you did 4), you can do the TW weekly, you can play MW with BM loot spec, or you can just accept week 1 you managed to get to M0, and push next reset

I am not ABLE to do M0! That is the whole point!

Then you can do HC. If you aren’t suited to play higher, then the game tells you and lets you play exactly the level you are suited for at day 1 :slight_smile: Just like previous seasons

And i already did 5 heroics.