Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

Didn’t you do +5 as MW?

Common Mistjo… You divide the world in 0.1% and everyone else. And you know that is not what I mean.

I wish I could say im a “pro” and I “know what im doing” but im not. I am FAR from the 0.1% crowd. And so are you.

You think that I dont fail? Of course I do. I fail. Wipe. Deplete. Just the same as you.

I then look at the logs, try to figure out why and try one more time. It has nothing to do with being in the 0.1%. That is true at ANY level.

And the fact that people are going through that process is something to applaud. Even if its a 2+ or a +10. Dosent matter.

So with that said, you said it yourself :

Try again your 2+. Apply what you discussed with your party, and you will see (guaranteed) that it will “click” and you will manage EZ that 2+.

And when you do… you will get that “AHA!!” moment and will celebrate with your buddies.

And I applaud that. Good job !

But you wont get it by lowering the key level and steamrolling through the boss. Of that I am sure.

Exactly again my point! I have to play my 10 years old experienced spec to be able to gear off specs.
But i want to learn slowly to play brewmaster, with my 1 full season experience on it.

Allthough i actually wanted to start 2 completely new specs. But i feel forced to play an offspec of my main to gear up. Instead of a different char where the main spec will be the new one.

lol just timed an academy +2 on my 473 ilevel resto druid with 1 second to spare - in the group we had someone at 493 ilevel, 483 ilevel, 473, and 456. One wipe on tree and library area boss. I finished sweating and feel like I did a 25. Bosses took forever to die.

But you want to jump to content you aren’t ready for. Other people can do M0 as BM with 481… If you can’t then you clearly don’t know the class well enough…

and thats the issue with the old system… People used it like HC dungeons… The first few days and bam no one touched them…

I mean, if you refuse to get gear the only way you can to give you a helping hand in learning BM, then I can’t tell you much. Then you’re just making it harder for yourself.

And i would slowly learn from +2 and onward and also get to ~15 in a season. What is wrong with that? That is the fun experience. I managed to do that in s2 on tank. I managed to do that on tank and dps in s3.

And yes, on healer i played holy 2 and a half weeks and was on +19 (first 3 weeks of the season) and on resto shaman the last 3 weeks and am on 19 too. Yes. I am a main healer. Yes i got 10+ years experience on it. Don’t project that on roles and specs i have never ever played before.

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Im really not… Im just saying there is a clear path to how you can get to the point you want to be at, but you seem to stubborn to accept it and go that way.

But hey, for all I care keep complaining if you want, I wont be losing out by it. In the meantime I’ll go do some M0 and keys to gear up, wish you a good weekend!


I am not subborn at all. I will play more heroics. I am trying at least. But i am giving my feedback on the new system.

Have a nice weekend too.

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Also, unless items become available on AH house at reasonable prices, why would you bother with taking alts into M+?

I should be grinding and grinding heroics over and over for rng gear?

Yes, that’s just the thing isn’t it. And by the time they’re done narrowing it we all realise that they barely exist.

They do exist, but there are so few of them.


And you can now, you just don’t want to do it because it’s been renamed and squished.

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Maybe they want to turn wow into a esport like cod where every game are people sweating behind their keyboard like their life depends on it to win absolutely nothing.

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The desire for the game to be better type posts?

Gear progression isn’t the problem, it’s the hoops you must jump through.

Those hoops, the average player who doesn’t have an excessive amount of time to play World of Warcraft, can’t jump through them.

It’s not just that. Once you get the gear and join a +2 and then find your whole group aren’t equally geared and it’s a total sweat fest out of the gate on a 2, you kinda wonder why bother.

You can just make your own group and invite similar ilevel players.

I did my own Nelth +2 earlier, I know I am bad at chains during boss so I invited players at my ilevel (487).

Worst case is I wipe us and they say “tank noob” and leave. Then I can just reform a new group in under 1 minute and try again.

Again and again some people keep pretending that heroic loot is not up-gradable and that heroic vault doesn’t exist.


Idk. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just think affixes and tight timers and this sort of stuff is something that belongs in the hardcore and high end of the game. Most players just wanna explore and get a bit of pushback so they have to progress their character.

For most people I think M+'s only redeeming quality is the fact that it’s challenging dungeons, and people like a challenge among a small circle of friends.

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Play better? At 480 a +2 shouldn’t even be a sweat. If you’re doing ok what is your team doing wrong? I’ve done a +2 that felt awful and a +7 that felt easy. It can be the other players too.


It is a bit tiring feeling like “Starting over again”, Im not a big fan of the seasonal stuff.
Its just all too clear that you can never feel “done” and just help your friends, you always have to keep on top after X time… :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

That + the selection of DF dungeons purely, is just making me feel like… Nah.
Idk if its worth it for me, personally. I’ll play other things, or clean my apartment. :dracthyr_shrug:

You must have been done at some point in S3. That will come again in S4.