Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

People still don’t seem to realize a m0 is now on par with a +10 of last season.
“just gear in m0” not an option anymore when you’re below 470 because it hits like a truck even without timers or affixes.

This season is just not fun. The bosses all have 5+ mechanics where 2 can oneshot you.
I went from a +6 Neltharion to a +4 because the bosses were just too hard. We were all close to 490 ilvl.

Nobody asked for the system to change, what we had was good. Sure 20 reward keys are a lot but at least casuals could do 1-10 without too much effort.

Oh 7 m+ chests without loot too, fun system indeed.

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It’s kinda funny, you look at the group finder and it just seems to a be a big list of 2-3 dps waiting in many groups for a tank and healer. You then try and apply for a group and often get declined, cause presumably you’re not 480-485+.

But obviously everyone did +20 keys last season and are 485 ilevel :troll:

I think they just want to drag out S4 as much as possible cause we ain’t getting any more content.

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Because even a +2 is very unforgiving when you’re below 480, which is the result of them squishing it down to 10 levels.

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Heroic dungeons 476 4/8 adventurer + weekly vault about 490
Dream surge weekly 467 1/8 adventurer you choose item
World boss random 480

Haven’t look at grand hunt and cauldron and weekly valdrakken.


That’s the sins of the game catching up with it.

I am a forever Druid. Paladins and Monks who are like me can just say “To heck with this, I’ll just switch spec!” if they need to.

Druid, Paladin and Monk mains just got very, very lucky that their favourite class can play all roles.

Although maybe we made our own luck…

I mean if you want to ignore where people were saying to do Heroics and/or M0.

Repeatedly it has been said that:-

  • Heroic (dungeon) is the old Mythic dungeon
  • M0 is the old M+10
  • M+2 is the old M+11

No one has been selective in representing the current options. No one is saying just go M0. People are saying find where you need to be and farm gear and get experience doing the fights.

I’m not ignoring it, I’ve been saying the difference in difficulty between hc dungs, a m0 and a m2 is crazy, where before it was very easy to determine.

HC dungs are faceroll, m0 is suddenly way harder than a +2… how is that logical? There’s been loads of confusion about this from people that played last seasons, not to mention new players. A +2 as entry into m+ is tuned tighter than ever before thanks to the revamp, where groups now ask for 485+ (prev season mythic raiding ilvl) to join.

It’s not about the gear, it’s about the tuning and the way the systems work together.

I feel like I’m really repeating myself but by making it this way casuals who previously just did +5-+8 now have no place.

No I’m not one of those, I’m currently doing +5 runs and they feel way more punishing than a +15 did last season.


S3 was the easiest M+ season so far. I was doing 19+ which i would have never been able to do previously. If i look back to SL seasons, I could barely manage 15.

But even looking back then, heroic dungeons were always faceroll and taught you nothing about the M+ equivalent. They’re still faceroll, so not sure how Blizzard made them more relevant, except forcing you to grind them to get gear because they raised the ilevel cap massively for M+.

IMO m0 is pointless and they should just remove it. You get a weekly piece which doesn’t assist you at all in the moment (for doing M+) and you might not even get anything by running it. Actually, they kinda had more relevance before, for jumping into M+, because the ilevel hike wasn’t so big.

M+ should be a gradual increase in difficulty and not smacking the wall and sweating at +2. Maybe they do become faceroll once we get 490+ gear, but at this stage it doesn’t actually encourage you to try and it isn’t fun.

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“Casual” has zero meaning though.

I’m a casual and also a bad and I got all portals last season as Guardian Druid.

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Out of interest have you tried a heroic recently since the change?

I haven’t so I’m curious. I imagine I’d find them faceroll but I didn’t find +2 hard either.

Yeah, idk what games you play but I usually NEVER die in a game tutorial. Exception might be only Dark Souls 1 and 3. 1 I never beat the tutorial and gave up (gladly it was a free copy for me), 3 I beat but didn’t continue because it just wasn’t fun. 60€ wasted for nothing.

Also, big difference is that the vast majority of us players aren’t fresh players. We know how stuff works. So this argument point of yours makes no sense in the topics context.

Never said I expect that nor that I don’t know how the dungeons work. I merely say the scaling feels :poop: this season.

First and foremost, I expect a game to actively tell you when your gear or level is insufficient for the activity. Many RPG games I play do that. But for some reason Blizzard doesn’t want to add a single short information line in a keys tooltip like “Recommended gear level: 488”.

Apparently giving players “too much info” could scare them away… :roll_eyes:

I have other :poop: to do in life than play WoW every day, you know? Just today I had to stay 2h extra at work because a valve on one of our coffee machines in the shop broke and almost flodded the entire store. And I also have to do regularly 1h extra each evening shift because of all the work left to do.

So yeah, excuse me if I didn’t spent the last 6 months playing Mythic every day :roll_eyes:

That’s your assumption, not what I actually said.

I couldn’t agree more. At some point the lack of fun / amount of frustration heavily outweighs any possible reward, even the most powerful ones.

Now, I want you to go re-read my comment, I even kept it in my quote for you. I literally said that the required time investment is not worth the reward atm (and the reward also includes the feeling of fun and accomplishment).

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I have near 2 weeks since i have restarted playing wow after a break of near 7 Years.

Ok. i lvl up a bit and gear up with anything possible …ench/gems etc …


Trying to do some m0.

While i didn’t encounter any problems with the Mechanics…there aren’t .(Same with Heroic )
The whole problem is the Health pool of Any Npc that make the whole experience completely stupid.

Having Elites with 13 and 16 mil while the bosses has 30 mill …

Put mechanics , make something nice to experience , not just insane Health pool that make the whole dungeon a training dummy with a huge amount of time spend …

The difference between Hc and m0 is that the Npc Have 5 to 6 more Health pool. Nothing Else .

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Yes, heroic is still faceroll.

+2 probably isn’t hard for you, because you did it at 480+ ilevel.

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Do you know what is even more demotivating ? When you spend many many hours in m+ get next to nothing then you decide to do lol runs on BT and not only you get 3-4 pieces per char per hour spent there but if you lucked out liek my Hunter did i got 2 heroic level pieces which if i wanted to get in m+ i woudl have to do at least 6-7 dungeons on +7 which is very very though for most pugs.

Its a joke :slight_smile:

Indeed which is why I’ve not bothered with heroic or m0.

But I’m on my own learning and gearing curve.

I did 4 runs of +2 on my prot Pala and got 2 pieces of loot and 3 on resto druid and got nothing - blizzard must hate healers :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Which part are you missing of me trying to do M0 and M+2 and running a lot of heroics? I mean, i have said it like… 83 times in this topic already? It is like you do not want to see it i am actually trying.

But the content where i belong is something in between heroic and M0. So old inbetween M0 (but without mechanics now since it is heroic) and M+10.

I think it is also very good feedback to give to blizzard that the gap between heroic and M0 is too large right now.

Git gut i can do in previous lower keylevels. I will try to learn more in heroics but it does not really help anymore.

To be fair we need gear the least to leep up with the group. If the dps is even slightly undergeared the whole experience becomes much harder, same with the tank. Fights become longer and people take more damage.

But yeah without gear we won’t be invited for long I’m afraid. When I pug I don’t get invites for +6.

Yeah I’ve noticed boss fights taking aaaaages, and people eating damage.