Season of Discovery Class Tuning - 11 January

All I can say is, how can you react like this to someone who dosent have your opinions? Becuse you are clearly offended, and talking about furture stuff is not okey becuse then Owlkay gonna come and yell at you :joy:

And yes, I have very low self esteem, it extremly low.

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 okay then i am sorry if i offended you at any point. Im serious now.

I was never offended, but how you react you are.

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I am not , its all good.

Ret Dmg Buff?

They will get around to the other stuff eventually too.

I imagine that, for example, the reason why they don’t touch Balance OMGNOW is simply because outside that one trick, they are pretty garbo ATM.

its the consistent Blizzard experience. 90% you sit there thinking “WTF are they waiting for ???!”

Can you just move Lone wolf back to 25% and put it on Leg slot so we can get over this constant tweaking every 5 minutes.

I main a druid - Starsurge is retarded and needs to go


Deal with it mate. Hunters N pet has been silly op since release. This is a no brainer unless you, funny enough, don’t have a brain.

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I also play druid star surge is retarded and does NOT " NEED TO GO "
1 - range from 42 to 36 ( talented )
2 - damage 20 % nerf
3 - sunfire / moonfire dmg of dots + 20 %
4 - Wrath damage + 10 %
there u go.

Exactly . 4/5 topics were hunter pets , hunter pets , hunter pets , hunter pets !!
and they were not even slightly constructive !

they were like

  1. boohoo a serpent killed me !
  2. hunter pet did 2 x crit in a row and now i cant play the game!
  3. hunter pets are the cause of global warming !
  4. I saw a Hunter pet!

what a joke of a tuning !!!

they could have at least reduced this stupid dead zone a bit but NO
lets buff spells that noone uses

we are so proud of u , hunter dev team!!


As enhancement shaman, I think elemental shaman and shadow priest should have more love.

Hunter balance, it’s wrong the way you are doing the balance.

Right now, the problem are not the runes, but the pet skill damage scale with runes. You should work specifically in wild serpent DMG and not on the hunter runes/skills.

  • DMG on explosive shots and chimera, will not balance it.

This 2 runes should be more powerful yes, they are just bad compared to Beast Mastery rune, but the Pet difference is the problem here. Players with owls, wolves, boars and bears, will be heavily punished with this, and to perform better for their raid pve / PvP group they will all take wild serpent and cats with Attack speed of 1.2.

To fix the hunters, you need to provide pet skills a different gameplay impact and find a way to balance the pets.

Doing skill changes like you are, you just changing the BM to Marksmanship and next SoD P2 hunters skills will be neerf to the ground over exceeded damage with the shoots and talents coming.

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Honestly i just get sad when i see people whl care sbout PvP.

It’s just a dumb mini-game and should never have any balance changes based in it

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Totally agree even thou i dont have either of the classes, not only elemental , but my 2004 love aka enhancement shammy also need love towards its dps aspect.

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that is exactly why they buffed them
 how thick can u be?

Oh wait
 youre a BM enjoyer I forgot. What am I even doing trying to reason with a BM enjoyer xD

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Might be to you , but in reality its 50 % of the game and to some of us its THE GAME.
You are 2 harsh , just because u dont care about pvp does not mean it does not deserve devs love and attention :S
In fact it is neglected a lot and dragonflight was the 1st expansion after tbc that pvp received some cool stuff.

25 wives is obviously a lot

Indeed, classic needs to keep to it’s “rock paper scissors” approach when it comes to PvP. Your class is strong vs some classes, and weak vs other classes. We don’t have an arena, no need to make it 100% equal.

Those are good changes to Hunters however there are still massive problems with the runes that you are extremely belated to fixing:

  1. Lion is too powerful and needed in a group setting, it shouldn’t be a rune.
  2. Lone Wolf is still just objectively speaking a self-imposed nerf.
  3. Cobra Strikes is wildly misplaced and should be swapped around with BM and be activated by ANY critical ability by either you or the pet. (not autoattacks tho)
  4. Kill Command is still a boring ability on a 1 min CD, it needs a complete change after you butchered it by nerfing it. (on that note pets in general need an overhaul so that all of them are valid options) (Just turn it into an execute crit ability with a lower CD)
  5. Whatever issues people have been talking about regarding Carve not working I’m not seeing it fixed here.
  6. Flanking Strike’s CD is still too long, Raptor Strike is still not instant, there is still no free charge of Mongoose Bite and getting a 3 stack is nearly impossible.
  7. Serpent Spread, who is this even for? Who even uses this? What does it synergize with? Either replace it with proper Disengage or a funky dance move or buff it so that it feels worth taking.
  8. Sniper Training should still be changed to 1 sec : 2 crit % (max stack 5) as you often times do not have the luxury of standing still for 6 whole seconds.
  9. Unless this is a stealth change that I haven’t seen ingame yet Explosive Shot will still be tied to Aimed Shot. Why?
  10. And personally with the problems that people have with pets and damage the easiest fix I can see to this is to just remove the damage bonus from BM completely, reduce it by 20%, increase threat massively, turn growl AOE within 3-5 yards against any aggro’d enemies and finally just allow Monkey to affect it too. Congrats, people can’t argue that pets are too high damage and us Hunter’s got a proper tank which offers us a new style of play (which is what season of discovery was sold to us as being and I’m not seeing any new style of play for Hunters it’s still just pew pew claw claw dps dps). Wanna dps with pets? Go Sniper Training and Cobra Strikes (gloves now).
    (BM even after this change might still be too strong to make Chimera or Explosive even a contender for a MM Hunter. 20% damage and increased focus regen so it can use its abilities more often is insanely powerful and we don’t exactly have training dummies or dual spec to test these things out

Like you really messed up when it came to Hunters.
You just threw a bunch of stuff at the wall from future expansions and was like “ah, that’ll work”, but it clearly didn’t.
And it’s very clear that no one over there plays a Hunter cause if they did they wouldn’t have made any of these awful decisions to begin with.
I don’t care what Phase 2 and onwards bring to the table and you’re worried about the synergy with those things because we’re not at phase 2 or 3 or 4, we’re at phase 1 and our runes should not be this awful.

Again, these changes are good, whether they will be good enough we’ll see ingame I guess but don’t think for a second this is it for Hunters. I expect next week to see further changes.

Primarily: Lone Wolf, Flanking Strike, Serpent Spread and Lion. I want to see them addressed next week. Or I want to hear from a developer why the rest of the runes are fine and why we’re wrong.