Season of Discovery Class Tuning - 11 January

To quote from World of Roguecraft
“If the class isn’t broken, how come i am losing to noobs? did i get worse?”
“No…you were never any good”


I agree and bow to you


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People who main hunter are afraid they are gonna end up the same meme pve class.

Yeap. Keep nerfing. See what happens. Why on earth should we have fun ? Every time you nerf things without giving something in return I loose a little bit more interest in the game. But no one cares about what I think. Maybe you’ll care when the subs start dropping.


Good points! At this point we are back to classic vanilla where if you wanna play hunter you plan MM PvP and PvE… BOOORING!!!

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I will play hunter even if it is at the bottom of DPS charts - but at this point in SoD hunter is the ONLY pure DMG class - we cant heal, we cant melee, we cant tank - we can only RANGE DMG and blizz still cant balce that sht out so ppl dont cry in PvP over pets?

Yes… pet dmg was nuts but what do we have besides that? No CC, interupts, heals, deffensive CD… + dead zone… fok off blizz


Great we are accually getting patches.

this will be addressed WHEN?

  • Bala druid pvp dmg
  • Mage aoe farming
  • Wlock Metamoprh pvp tank shajt

it actually should fill a future slot with other utility runes and go away from chest

Not sure why people are posting requests here, no one from Blizzard will ever come back to this thread, they never ever do.

yeah…we know but its kind of desperation… but what do they read ffs?.. they got our money for WoW 2.0 beta test… so they better read this sht

This. Turning KC into its retail version would be a first step. Beast mastery is about enhancing the pet, make it more active rather than sending a fully automated unit that causes so much tears.


It’ll always be the best in the slot.

Heart of the Lion has to become an ability learned from a quest like the shaman’s dual wield skill and lose the 10% personal stat boost on the hunter.

Then a new chest rune can be created and chest runes can be balanced afterwards.

There’s simply no other way to balance HotL.


Shaman DPS changes will come in p2, that change being we will be rock bottom as shadow priest starts doing more dps than shamans.

I saved a draft of a wall of text I just wrote that basically went over this but in excruciating detail but yes, I agree.

Both BM and MM play largely the same way and it’s because of the extreme lack of button variety. If we could place traps in combat it’d be different (and NO Blizzard do NOT make that a stupid rune, it should be a learned class quest ability) cause it would offer us more options.

As a BM or a MM I would:

  1. Send in pet to start aggro.
  2. Apply a serpent sting (which also starts off auto-shots)
  3. Use aimed shot if MM or Arcane if BM just to dps it a bit quicker.
  4. If I’m feeling naughty I’ll use a multishot and indulge in some mana splurging.
  5. Ignore melee weaving because I don’t want to shower due to being sweaty all the time. But if you love soaking in sweat you can move a bit closer and do a Raptor Strike for funsies then move back out of deadzone.
  6. Enemy is dead.

And repeat.

It’s really boring how similar both are to play as and prior to these balance changes BM was too useful not to use so it meant even less abilities to use. Maybe now I can actually work in Chimera Shot into my rotation as a MM (as Explosive will most likely still be tied to Aimed (why, Blizzard?)) but BM really don’t get anything fun to press at all. I specced into it for like 2 days and got so bored of the rotation that I just specced back into MM.

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(Sorry for double post I don’t know how to multi-quote as this forum is wonky)

I agree.

I don’t think Lone Wolf will ever work so I’d argue to clear that one out to so we get 2 new rune options. Or alternatively buff Lone Wolf insanely… For melee. As we don’t have a melee specific rune for chest.

What new chest rune ought to be introduced though?

I think it’d be neat if Carve also did disengage and if they introduced that harpoon ability from retail that is basically a charge ability and placed it at chest. That way melee hunters could carve and disengage to get out of combat range quickly and if they want to just aoe damage and continue fighting then you harpoon right back in with some bleed damage. That would alter the playstyle of melee hunters dramatically and set their fighting style apart from rogues and warriors.

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Other aspects maybe or Auras, for example the aggro reduction aura, and some resistance auras for diffrent animals that make sense. but on a seperate slot it would probably needed to get the part for extra 10% stats removed for that

So long as it isn’t Aspect Of The Viper… I want to combine that with Master Marksman for ultimate mana splurging. :bow_and_arrow: :sweat_drops:

I’ve seen some comments here suggesting blizzard should buff the original spells and abilities. So far if you’ve not noticed yet, every single balance change Blizzard did was ONLY on runes. I have no idea about the reasoning about it, but as of right now, don’t expect original abilities to be buffed/nerfed. So something like “nerf starsurge by 20% and buff wrath by 10%” isn’t going to happen.