Season of Discovery Developer Update - 27 Feb, 2024

the logic of balance is sick and pathological…

I don’t wish nerfs on anyone, I don’t expect Hunter to be top 1, Melee Hunter was too strong, that’s a fact

But for God’s sake, Bizzard, I play hunter because I like to play with range fights, and this is the worst spec, and you don’t care about fixing it.

Let Arcane shot scale with AP, or serpent sting, or Aimed had a 2 sec cast, whatever it is, let’s put it in the top 10…

Where are your fairy tales that you will balance so that people can play pleasantly?

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sure, you’ll be full 489 geared.

the fact that you’re looking at Ilvl instead of actual gearing just proves my point that most people that like the trashing retail have no idea what they’re talking about.

How are you parsing in that gear? how optimized are your stats? do you have any idea what your stat weights are outside of “wowhead said str best stat!”?

Gearing in retail is different from gearing in classic. They’re different games.
Its perfectly fine to like one over the other,without trashing the version you have no idea about.

Hey dev team , you wanted a feedback , here it is ,

Range hunter became a meme spec , absolutelly not viable in pve. Even worse than ice mages , who are at least very good in PVP and have a very good fire spec that is performing well in pve , without having to change the class to the point of having to go melee.

A 10 or 15%% proc on autoshoot that gives and instant cast for aimed shot , same kind of thing that mages have for the instant pyro, and damage increase for chimera , you have a viable ranged hunter. Very easy to introduce. Less than a day of work for one single person. Viable and actually fun to play.

Maybe better scaling or damage re-evaluation for all ranged weapons could help ,

Scalling of damages for traps and snake bite. Having a dot hitting at 15 for the explosive trap or 33 every 3 sec for the snake bite is just ridiculous garbage. Give something that convert a percentage of AP into spell power , and make hunter spells (arcane shot , traps , stings and bites dots) scale with spell power.

Even that would not make it OP , just between the middle and the top , and would not destroy everything in PVP. Not more than the mage instant pyroblast. and the dots would not hit like a truck neither , not harder than mage dots.

It needs something impactful. Range hunter got absolutely no impactful runes for pve in phase 2 while other classes got plenty of good ones (mage for exemple , I compare the 2 classes because I play both)

Really , I gave you those ideas for free and it was already in retail at some point , and it was fun.

I think im a dying breed of wanting to do things the original way, i like the grind of working my way up, when its rushed i feel like i dont get to know my character as well. Make an option to turn off the extra xp buff.

On the surface I am perfectly okay with the exp boost for this version of classic. I’ve done this levelling so many times now, but I really don’t like the timing here for 2 reasons.

Firstly, announcing this in advance just killed levelling, so many people just stopped levelling new character knowing this change in coming. 100% exp + extra gold is too good to ignore so now everyone just logged of and is waiting for next week.

But the main issue for me is the current state of class balance. So many classes and specs are so undesirable for raids now, Bear and Warrior tanks can’t hold aggro, melee DPS are still at a huge disadvantage in Gnomer and many other issues. I’ve seen multiple people, including myself, playing undesirable classes being forced out of raid groups unless we re-role to viable classes.

Not to mention that as a DPS warrior, even level 40 questing for gold is kinda painful. They said when they announced SoD that they want everyone to feel powerful. I can tell you as a level 40 warrior, I don’t feel powerful at all in any content as either tank or dps!

This exp buff only enhances this attitude of “Don’t play what you enjoy, just quickly reroll to fit the meta”. At least before we had an excuse of levelling being a bit slow. But now so many players will be forced to reroll quickly just to be able to keep playing. Honestly it comes across like blizzard saying “We have no idea how to handle class balancing, just level a new character instead”.

As I said at the start, no issue with the xp buff on principle, but please focus on class/spec balancing instead of just making it easier to play something else, I like playing melee :frowning:

Yup buff Q reward to lure more ppl to do it. Now its impossible do 34+ q becose all grinding it - gold, xp, mats. And Q itself take 3-4 time longer to complete becouse of number of ppl do it.

Still i dont get gold sink policy. You ban GDKP but have masive goldsinks to keep that gold buys profit. Instead, you should make crafting epics cost some tokens/mats from ~40 lvl dung to make it viable and reduce gold needed on chars.

Greeting, what about retail players who are asking for some communication to balance the game ? Especially in pvp ? Are they just going to be ignored still ?

You at Blizzard just dont get it, we the players want no drastic changes. Mounts have always been the same cost in classic and people still managed to afford them. There is no real reason to change it because some people feel entitled to a mount instead of earning it by questing or gold farming.

Secondly, since you are implementing this change, what will happen to those of us that already sunk the NORMAL price into our mounts. Are we getting a refund or what?

Also, the new raids you implement can be 20man raids, perfectly fine. But we like molten core as it is, let it be a 40man raid as it always has been.

Lastly, people dont create a hunter to play it as melee. Sure, hunter players like it when hunters are strong, of course they will. But the fact remains that when you create a hunter you have a class fantasy of ranger to uphold. Not a 1 button spamming ranger that fights in melee instead of using its ranged advantage.
If marksmanship hunters and melee hunters switched spots in the damage numbers they are able to produce, nobody would complain, but the way it is now, is just not the way it should be. So either remove the raptorstrike rune or nerf its damage.

XP buff and leveling
Boosting the experience gain is good move, since the theme in SoD based on my experience is a casual fun to do content and this absolutely includes doing multiple raids with multiple alts. The higher the level ceiling goes, limits the amounts of alts available and will work against people raiding on multiple characters.

Raid size
Don’t have numbers to claim anything, but i’m sure there are gamers like myself who are in their 30 to 40’ies and only able to play with a limited schedule due to real life obligations, families, work etc. SoD has been a nostalgic experience in a less grindy way than actual vanilla was back in the day. Even though 40 man raids were a staple on classic WoW, going towards smaller raid sizes would definately be the stronger path going forwards as this will make the game more accessible and require less overhead in guild and loot management. Fun should be prioritized before sweaty hardcore raiding, and the bigger the raid the stronger the emphasis on wrong aspects (organisation instead of gaming).

But most important aspect of classic raiding was, 1 difficulty, 1 size. This above all else should be maintained! Do not introduce different sizes or difficulties to the same raid. This is what killed classic wow in my opinion.

Wishfull thinking
Please consider enabling Ashenvale event to reward reputation all the way to exhalted in addition to just the weekly drum quest. It really dampens the fun of pvp, when you just “have to grind the rep” for the loot. When that part is done, you can actually just pvp for fun, which is much more rewarding.

Yeah, people ask for 40 mans but have they organized one? Do they remember guilds struggling to get a full roster already in p2? Oh, and that Naxx was mostly GDKP with the occasional SR run?

It pleases me that mount costs will be reduced. As a miner, I have managed to save a small sum of approximately 1100 gold and was hoping not to have to sacrifice 100 gold for the sake of a mount. Now, I feel that I may treat myself to a mount without dipping too heavily into my savings.

As for the rest of the changes, these are insignificant to me. That being the case, if Blizzard Entertainment should decide to go forward with a substantial version of Classic+ with new zones and stories and dungeons etcetera, etcetera, I for one will be most satisfied.

Yes, most satisfied indeed.

Big fan of the changes!!

I think it will make WoW classic playable for more people like me. I do not get time to grind me to the top, but I still want to enjoy the end game content like I did when I was younger!

Most of us had a wish, a Classic, with new Content, Zone they are not used in Classic, Azshara,Karazan, Hyjal, Uldum… in Classic style. With the Rune System u guys did a great job, give Speccs a chance (Ret,Enhancement,Ele,Owl,Feral, Shadow etc u killed most of weaknesses like Warriors Mobility and such a thing. Imean we need some Update later on Like Tier sets für Speccs ( Ret/Shadow/Ele/Feral too keep up with other DPS Classes like Rogue, Fury. keep that things up. Dont try to push (SOD Classic) near Retail.

Quality of Life Changes are Perfekt.
No one wants LFR
No one wants Mythic Dungeons (play Retail rly guys…)
No one wants LFG Tools
No one wants Portstones! ( I mean we got some Mobile Portstone atm Hi Locks!) But thats ok.
We dont want Flex Raids in Classic. 40 Men is the way to go. It give us the feeling too Build a Communtiy of Players too play and stick together, thats why most of us play Era so long.

A upgrade in PvP (BG´s Openworld are always welcome i think)
Arena hm its hard too tell. If it come to SoD fine for me, but not with Extra Equipment, i dont want Resilience in SoD Maybe a few new Items like STV are ok.

With SoD u got the chance to improve that Classic feeling, too create a new Classic BFD/Gnome a rly great Raids the Mechanics are not too hard but fun to play!
We need this fresh air of classic more than ever. Classic has such a potential in adding new stuff but dont kill the Oldcontent ( New Dungeons and Raids are welcome too if they are 30/20/10 Men its fine for me. But if that gear overscale its suckts new Raid between AQ 40 and Naxx and even after Naxx thats cool. Some Catchup Raids like Zul Aman/Zul Gurub or AQ 20 are cool too ( Karazan/Aszara Naga Raid or what ever). so so many things u can do in Eastern Kindoms/Kalimdor. keep up Brainstorm! I like a BRD 20 Men Raid :smiley: just saying.

Sry for my bad english…


We have a small group of people the only does 10-ppl raiding and we are not interested in starting to recruit 10-15 new players.
Most of us will probably quit playing SoD if the new raids will be 20-ppl only.
It would be mostly appreciated if we could get a confirmation on all sizes of the new raids asap, so that we can either quit playing now (or pretty soon at least) or continue to build or characters and wait with excitement of new content to come.

Why don’t we just make it so you can choose not to level alts and just instantly ding to level 60 with full gear, seems it’s what the people want :person_facepalming:t2:

Classic being hard is what made it fun and rewarding, stop listening to the scrubnubs that keep crying that it’s hard to level, the game will get boring again

Holypa the troll master 2000.

In other topic you are saying otherwise.


Great changes overall.

The combo of min maxing tentencies, access to warcraft logs data and the introduction of mechanics in 10man raiding and huge dps disparity pushed 99% of the players to have extremely high requirements for group content. And you (devs) gate player power (gearing) through group content both in pve and pvp. As you cannot join Gnom or STV event solo or if you picked the wrong spec.


  • PVE: Implement LFR. Only way to kill the gatekeeping. Dont let players control the access to PVE content (And it hurts for me to say it).

  • PVP: next time you design something like STV, make it a true FFA. No grouping.

Other issues: bots


  • Active monitoring. You see 2453 mages in stockages? Scan and permaban.
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Fix your lagg before implementing new stuff

there is your feedback

I personally want a 5-man dungeon endgame progression system which feels “classic”. I am not able to participate in raids regularly.

Some of the “low-level” dungeons are very enjoyable and have their own “flair” , like for example sfk, or unique items.

I think adding the possibility to raise the level of all dungeons (and their loot) to 60 would create an alternative activity for players like me who are not able to raid.

To make this feel “classic” I suggest to not make the new lvl 60 dungeons too easily accessible. Either add questlines to unlock the new mode for each dungeon or create add some sort of currency which is needed to run those dungeons. Adding some mechanism which rewards running different dungeons instead of the same one over and over might also be a good idea.

Im interested, will the part of the player base who bought their mounts at full price recieve a refund now that you are changing it back? :slight_smile:

For me atleast, it feels like crap that all the time grinding gold for the full price was just wasted… Had i just played you game less i could have saved that time. Is that the lesson you wanna teach me? :slight_smile: