Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 13 February

January 30, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • You can now correctly hand in Supply Shipments from Karazhan to Supply Officers in cities.
  • The “Shadow of Doom” Scourge Invasion quest can now be completed while in a raid group. Everyone in the group will get credit for the kill of the Shadow of Doom.
  • Shadows of Doom now spawn an interactable Heart of Doom that players can loot to start their shoulder enchant quest. When getting Hearts of Doom in the future for Remnants of Valor after Naxxramas releases, players will need to get the tag on Shadows of Doom.
  • The tooltip on the Doomsayer’s Demise Wand now correctly states that it deals 100 damage per stack of Creeping Darkness (was 45 damage per stack of Creeping Darkness). The tooltip on the Wand does not change when the set is completed, but the debuff tooltip on enemies will increase.
  • Tome of Enchanted Flare can now only be seen and looted by Hunters.
  • The “Elemental Equation” and the “Core of Elements” quests can now be completed in Light’s Hope Chapel.