Season of Discovery - Initial Adjustments

Explosive shot was the thing i was looking forward to most… i get it for one day and its gone?! could you not have just nerfed the damage slightly?! rather than kill it completely?! please change it back!


Hunters are BM again, for 400 years we played BM and forced to play BM again, amazing content so much fun so much discovery

After lvl25 phase prob I will cancel my subscription. But at lvl25 bracket, no matter what even naked hunter is good.


The blue post isn’t a debate. Accept it or not.

i wish try the hunter but i gotta wait christmas to buy a new mouse :rofl: i can’t turn the camera properly right now so i play casters :rofl:
try other class guys, it’s only the beginning

Yeah, exactly, no debate on a forum, that’s not what it’s for, is it?

Explosive shot is now useless, who is going to use a precious rune slot for a very situational weak AoE? This nerf, necessary for damage, simply erased a rune from the hunter panel.


Definitely ill reroll mage, I wont play same classic hunter


i play mage and have fun in Warsong ! i don’t know what y’all saying, hunters still top killers of BGs
SoD is good !

It sounds like your friend just wanted hunters to be even more OP single damage dealers than they already were, even though explosive shot’s AoE ticks may have powerful dungeon farming and group PvP stealth breaking applications.
Hunters have always been incredibly strong levelers and in PvP, and they still are. I’m sure a hunter without runes can still take on several other classes with runes by sheer kiting and pet attacks. Now their massive damage output, which was frankly overtuned, is being reeled back and you’re being given a new interesting ability in return. And yet you are ungrateful. I don’t understand how people can be so mad. Is dealing the most single target damage ever really the only thing you care about?

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group PvP stealth breaking applications.


I’m sure a hunter without runes can still take on several other classes with runes by sheer kiting and pet attacks.

Why did you even write this?

And yet you are ungrateful. I don’t understand how people can be so mad. Is dealing the most single target damage ever really the only thing you care about?

Again, what

Lets unistall

I agree that explosive shot should have SOME aoe to it, given its name I always thought it should’ve ever since it was introduced in retail, AND I agree that it was too powerful, but I think you took too much single target damage out of it. Explosive shot and the way it worked was a big reason why I chose to use hunter, and not an insignificant reason why I started a subscription. I hope you bump up its single target damage a little bit to make it feel better to use, because right now I don’t see why I would use it over chimera shot (the aoe damage is not worth it)

thanks for this update happening so fast! Keep it up!!

Ima try to explain to some of you what is happening
Hunter is in Classic the absolutely worst scaling class by a margin as a “pure dps class”
53 agi = 1% crit
which means hunter is “already” at his peak of performance. Hunters wont get MOSTLIKELY any stronger. since i dont think that Blizzard is planning to change the scaling system after they gutted the shi* out of hunter not even 24h after release.
Im talking purely about PvE - Yes PVP they will probably stay on top of the meters for a good amount of time.
Yet the change was, im sorry to say but absolutely stupid, I understand nerfing a Spell for being too strong is absolutely fine, but nerfing the only 2 spells of it so you are forced to play either

BM - which sucks later on anyways
MM - nerfed to the ground
Meele - where 70% spells are not working properly

So basically we are either playing bm and get outscaled after lvl 40 or we play meele hunter for which reason exactly? when i just can make a warrior which scales by FAAAAAR better…

Idk u guys didnt think about how to nerf the spell, well actually you couldnt since not even 24h passed but yeah that change of a spell + nerf at the same time just brings ppl to reroll to warrior or play bm and let the cat do what has to be done and watch tiktoks while in raid


[quote=“Gozaran-living-flame, post:49, topic:480815, full:true”]

How would you feel, if u started playing a class and Blizzard dropped your single target dps by 70% in two days after?

We can all agree, that the rune was too strong, a nerf was a must… for example -30% or -40% would be fine. But 70%??


We play melee because we like the feeling. Everything dont need to be meta. But with that said, yes melee hunter need some love

I havent seen a melee hunter in the game yet, because its a boring gameplay.
If you want to melee, play rogue or warrior then.

You seam boring

Spells should never make it onto live, only to be re-tuned a day later.


Can we move Rogue CP to character instead of the target?
Or at least allow CP to stick to the target when you swap targets - otheriwse, there is no proper way to tank as rogue as you have to finish move before swapping targets or else you lose all CP for nothing.

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Would love to see you move lacerate and mangle to two different slots… lacerate is useless without mangle, and as it is our leg rune slot is completely dead for bears