Shadow Priest Mage Tower belt is bugged

After completing the MT on SP, the 3D asset on the belt is missing. It’s been like this for a few months now. I wrote a ticket but was told by a GM, in simple terms, ‘‘there is nothing we can do about it’’, and it’s extremely irritating. I’m no mythic world first raider, so completing it took me quite some time; a good couple hours of trying. And… my set isn’t even as it should be?

Anyone else having this issue?

Blizzard please fix this ASAP. I don’t even understand how there is ‘‘nothing that can be done.’’

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Hey Varethan,

Customer support isn’t able to fix bugs in game (although we may have some workarounds and solutions at times), or change the way the game works in any way. This is what the game master was most likely talking about.

If there is a bug in game, the best way would be to report it to our developers: they will be the ones who are able to fix it. Please do make sure you mention the name of the item in the report.

Please also note some bugs may need more time to be fixed, depending on their complexity, urgency, impact on the game, etc.