Shadow priest tbc

Is it common that shadowpriest got mana problems during tbc? so yeah any tips please.

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in tbc Shadow priest don’t have mana problems. Blizzard design sp so that the spec become viable. Shadow was mana batteries in raids resupplying mana to all raid members. Thanks to last talent in shadow tree " vampiric touch " this is what will give you free spot in raids + as a caster you will find guild easily because Tbc is not melee friendly expantion not like classic where guilds stack warriors/rogues.


thank u lot for the info

I don’t know about PvE, but in PvP Shadow Priests were awful. For my Rogue, it was a free kill. The easiest class for 1v1. Even in arena, they were No1 target.

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Think shadow priest is pretty bad in general. Both pve and pvp.
You are there in pve as a mana battery and to imp locks . Thats it. Unless im missing something…

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Shadow priest is a nice pair in 2s.
Wouldn’t say they suck in PvP.

You needed always 1 shadowpriest in raids. Your damage is not useless but you will never be a warlock/hunter. not even close.
I dont know why people say shadow priest were that bad in pvp, if i remember correctly shadow priest was pretty strong in Arena later on with gear from higher seasons shadow priest was OP af. But maybe i dont remember right here

This is from memory. It’s a long time since I played a Shadow Priest in TBC, and I struggle to remember it perfectly… but as accurately as I can rercall…

We get mana issues if we nuke things - which would mean using MInd Blast/Shadow Word Pain/Vampiric Embrace/Vampiric Touch/Mind Flay/Mind Blast etc. etc.

Mobs actually die surprisingly quickly, even elites using this basic ‘nuke’, and Vampiric Embrace means that you’re health will be kept topped up. In this method it’s surprisingly possible to solo some elite mobs - as long as they are alone. We have issues when dealing with multiple mobs, which we are quite poor at - unless it’s in an area where it’s safe to fear them with Psychic Scream.

But you’ll also run out of mana very, very quickly if you play normally using this kind of rotation.

For soloing and standard levelling, and normal mobs you’re going to be wanding a great deal, and the wand will become part of your normal rotation. With a steady wand rotation - Mind Blast/Shadow Word Pain/Vampiric Embrace/wand/wand/wand/wand/Mind Blast etc. you can keep on farming pretty-much forever and never run out of mana, as long as you have put points into the Spirit Tap ability and as long as the mobs don’t have any nasty abilities, or aren’t a lot higher level than you. If they do you’ll also need to use Power Word Shield to protect yourself, but it’s quite mana-heavy.

Spirit is very important while levelling, personally I’d prioritise it over every other stat at low level, as mana regen is king. At higher levels it becomes less important as the gear you get will have more intellect, and even less important for end game where you’ll be prioritising spell hit.

For group play basic trash mobs can usually be part of you’re basic wand rotation, as long as they aren’t too intensive, and as long as you’re keeping Vampiric Touch up at all times, which is your key role. You probably won’t get away with this much on bosses though, so you’ll need plenty of mana pots to keep you going as you’re mana will run out faster than you can blink if you’re nuking bosses using a full rotation.

I played a lot of Battlegrounds as a Shadow Priest in TBC, but never arena, so can’t comment on arena. For BGs I found the class to be very enjoyable indeed, with a lot of utility. Psychic Scream is particularly annoying for the enemy, as is your dreaded Mana Burn ability. You’re pretty squishy though, so expect to die a great deal, as enemy players tend to prioritise you for obvious reasons.

But if left alone to do your thing, protected by other players and healers you can stand at the back and basically wreak absolute havoc. Mana-using classes in particular will hate you.

I don’t remember their performance in Arena, but I think of only a single setup. Rogue-SPriest. A lot of damage on a single target (combined with silence). Could be good against Healer-DPSer combos.

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