Shadow Trinkets - Cabalists Hymnal

Hey guys,

todays chest has been not as bad as the weeks before and I got a 207 Hymnal to grab. Currently I use the Unbound Changeling (213) and a 197 (Upgradedeable) Quantum Device.
I sim’t all trinket possibilities and despite being kinda BiS the Hymnal performs about 70dps lower on average against my trinkets.

Why is it so strong and very often seen in Nathria? Is it because the Group Thing when more people wear it?

Several reasons

1: Group potential
2: Most top shadows have basically zero crit on gear and get their crit purely from hymnal and ruby
3: IQD is a very temperamental trinket that people don’t want to use. Ruby is the more consistent on use trinket and you don’t want to run double on use unless you’re running an ordnance as one of them.

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