Skinning xp disabled?

I just noticed that my characters don’t get xp from skinning any more. I 'm sure they did a few days ago. I tried on 2 different characters today. Did i miss a patch note or something?

I never noticed any XP from skinning. From mining and herbing, yes. But not from skinning.

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If there were xp for skinning it was not in the last 6 month (and I am pretty confident there was not).
To be honest I would think it is fair to get a little XP-Bonus like with other gathering professions.
But you already get XP for killing the target, so there is no need for an additional bonus (I think something like that was the original reasoning).

I’ve never actually seen any XP pop up from skinning, or maybe I’ve been totally blind.

You get experience… from the enemy beast you just killed. I guess the devs just didn’t want “double tap” when it comes to “grinding”. The experience bonus from mining and herbing sort of are there just to off-set the time it takes to ride off the path, dismount, harvest and remount.

Herbers and miners don’t get experience for harvesting enemy mobs, like flowers and golems for the same reasons.

The only activity which really strays from this formula are fishing.

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