SL gear has 150+ ilvl for 20 lvl chars!

the guy is 20 lvl and got 150+ ilvl 8k+ hp (in bg he had 12k+ hp right now)
when literally im full heirloom 28+ char have only like ~80 ilvl and few times less hp.

before that he oneshot me with his trinket in arena without doing anything else

how is this possible? ;p

read the title… u farm SL as any low lvl and get 200 ilvl still

he even took his gear off so ppl cant see it in armory but my link above still says he is like ~150 ilvl LMAO
fix asap

That’s ironic, a twink complaining about a twink.


i have heirlooms and auction gear which cost like 20g per item and few cheapy chants and gems that anyone can afford

Wow, is there anything Blizzard done correctly in this expansion? The closer we are to DF, the worse it gets. Once would say it cant be worse, but they keep proving it is very possible to go above and beyond, when it comes to providing the most garbage service of the year.

bliz fixed it same day, now works fine and recomend everyone trying out low lvl PvP to learn talents 1by1 and mechanics

What exactly is your point? If he can do it so can you? Youre just talking about low level stuff, why even bother? So many questions…

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