So healers

Can we all agree to stop playing? silent protest, no drama, nothing.


I was lucky enough to play disc before holy got op.

Playing holy feels unrewarding af when people (and you) die in seconds…
Can’t imagine how awful it must feel to heal on other healers if it feels this bad on hpriest lol.
I don’t play ress leggo tho.

Also I did quit healing (and playing)! … Only on classic now.

I wanted to play this season, I really did but pvp as a whole is just beyond a meme now. I’d bet my house none of it has even been alpha tested :joy:

The whole alt/gearing system wasn’t bad tbf but this happy foundation one shot meta is trash, Just like Blizzard as a company lol. Wish they would just hurry up and sell this game to Microsoft. They might actually hire people to make pvp somewhat enjoyable


Why? It’s not too bad. Sure there are some flaws like literally every single season, that’s nothing new tho.
Hpriest might be a bit too overtuned but it’s not like other healers are unplayable.

I enjoy healing this season more than ever before. There are couple OP scenarios, but if they would nerf all the dmg as people want to on this forum, we would go back to 30 min long drinking tactics.

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How is that bad? Seriously how is that bad at this point?!

Problem with healing is that Mastery especially as resto shaman is based on the lowest target hp and more you heal a target above of this threshold the target gets less heals. One shots are huge problem now and this is not healthy gameplay for the game. You can disagree if you want but this is my opinion. Damage needs to be toned down.

People need to start changing their mentality, because slow pace meta should and probably will never come back. The reason is simple: rated solo shuffle is round the corner. And with 6 rounds in 1 game, games must be quick.

With that being said, balancing should happen often and quick. What is needed is high constant preasure, but lower spikes, fewer one shots. Game should be about forcing people to use their CDs outside of the burst window.


I agree with what youre saying that a fast pace meta should stay but when its so fast that if you blink at the wrong time you will miss your teammate going from 80% to 0% then its quite bad.


This, Theres a fine line between a fast paced meta and a one shot fiesta.

if you and your teammates dont rotate cooldowns efficiently then everyone dies instantly, not game fault honestly

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I guess you have to be inhuman and not blink to play then.

Yeah lets balance game around ppl who play this game at glad,r1 level. great idea.

We all wanna gameplay when U NEED TO HAVE, weak auras, addon to give you info when enemy doing something nasty. great game design. My point is no1 testing this sh1t before they give it to us. peace.

what next? rogue on stealth flying on the back of the healer in the arena ?

Its a very miserable experience to play a healer, but I dont think blizzard cares.

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You don’t need that tho? But then you are going to play at a different rating, unless you are actually that good that you don’t need it. As a casual player I am thankful for these addons.

Why is it miserable? It’s miserable to gear an alt when everyone else is playing his main. That has nothing to do with healing tho.

U miss HinĂ°barry point so much that you must be trolling.

How? Because I disagree as healer main?


Okay… yeah just a bit!

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I started healing in BFA S2 basically and started playing arena in BFA S1.
So I can only compare it to BFA and it’s way better then BFA.

I change my mentality at the gym, not in game. If a game becomes too stressful to play, it is not worth of anyones time. I’m not against fast paced gameplay at all but i’m against 1 shot’s happening when you need to trinket absolutely random mechanics and new trinkets also drove this fest into whole new level.