So Horde Bias rising again!

Please LOOK AT THE CINEMATICS alliance is Literally sending FARMERS to fight sylvanas lore wise.
The horde after sylvanas leaves has the forsaken.

To fight sylvanas the horde and alliance needed to band togheter now the horde has the troops, of the force that the horde and alliance banded togheter to fight and you still expect the alliance to have a stronger millitary.
I do not think you follow lore as much as you think you do.

Allys are used to QQ their way to victory, no matter how much salt it takes. Nothing special here.

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Can you link the cutscene in question? Would like to see it myself.

gameplay and story-narrative are two pair of shoes for making it convenient for the on-going conflict/drama/whatever you want to call it. Besides that, the Alliance has proven during the Zandalar-raiding “arc” that they have the upper hand when it comes to the military power, don’t they? It took another cutscene during the Azshara intro to make all KT-boats to vanish. And still, even when they lose enough the during the wars, the Alliance has still very powerful characters in lore: Malfurion/Tyrande, Khadgar, Jaina, Mekkatorque, The Three Hammers council, Velen and so on. Even Anduin qualifies to that group with his mass ress during the BfA opening cinematic.

Both sides are shoehorned into a never-ending stalemate which has been always one of the biggest criticism next to losing every new Horde warchief in every expansion. Making the Alliance win the warfronts just made sense in the broader narrative and with everything factored in, if you like it or not. Just accept it that there are no real winners or losers in this game and you’ll get a hang on the team writes the storyline and how they wish to interact in future expansions.

It is called lost Honor. It is on YouTube. And is when anduin talks to saurfang in prison.

In zandalar with horde being split by sylvanas after zandalar has already been attacked by Zul.
The main horde army is not in zandalar.

The very same cinematic shows a tauren charging crushing many alliance footmen.
So is 1 tauren worth x alliance (I do not have the chance to look at it right now)
Sylvanas finally uses her banshee scream that kills demons in lore something that the dragons fear.
Everything you see sylvanas do in that cinematic she has been able to do in lore from even before WoW was a thing it is nothing new there.

Fixed it the 2 others are neutral.
Mekkatorque is hurt because of the attack jaina barely survived it herself.

Does this mean the horde is more powerful then the alliance I do not know what we do know is that it requires horde and alliance to stop sylvanas and her force of the rest of the horde ( ALL OF THIS HAPPENS AFTER THE THINGS YOU MENTIONED) and when she ran away that force at least most of it joined back up with the horde.

So it is far more likely that right now the horde is stronger militarily than the alliance.

If this was classic, where bagspace actually matters I could take this topic seriously. But since cata I never had bagspace problems, ever.

I’m not sure or was it ghostcrawler there was with the Alliance? Whoever it was there ensured blizzard never went full horde bias i miss them and i want them back And also i’ve tried to use the lfg option aswell to try it out like the horde does but it only works after a few minutes while the horde can do it just instantly. So yes they’re hacking.

What is your basic point here? I’m really struggling to get to grips with it, you seem to be arguing with a non existent antagonist, and calling in game resources ‘hacks’ because you just don’t like the Horde.

I mean I get that, IF they were a real life entity I probably wouldn’t like them either. But they are not. WoW is not the real world.

You seem to be taking this far too seriously. Blizzard do not ‘hate’ the Alliance, Blizzard do not have committee meetings where they discuss how to mess with Alliance fans. Threads like this are metaphorically like people panic buying in shops. You are causing the problem. Not Blizzard. -Some- Alliance fans are spreading such a self defeating attitude that people are starting to believe it, and -THAT- is why they jump ship. If the Perception is that the Horde gets all the good things and the Alliance just get smacked then of course people will play Horde, that, is human nature, but the reason people have that perception is because of posts like this. Every ‘Horde Bias’ post is fuel for a fire that never even existed, it is not highlighting a problem, it is -creating- the problem.

When all the major raiding guilds (and frankly, who -actually- cares about them apart from Streamers) were Alliance, this was not the end of the world, and I remember back then, whilst a few people whined, no one actually started threads plucking ‘facts’ out of thin air showing that Blizzard favoured the Alliance, no one actually seriously claimed that the Devs were all Alliance fans with one token Horde fan.

Probably because people were a bit more sensible about these things. People go on about Metzen, You know, he actually mained Alliance, when he played, Yeah, he voiced Thrall, do you know who else he voiced? Varian Wrynn. If a story developer can have that impartiality then why, why is it so difficult for us as players to have the same?

In this thread, a person who mains Alliance has literally (in the correct sense of the word) called me a White Supremacist Racist, because I post on a Horde avatar (Despite actually having more Alliance characters than Horde ones), which is, you know, a particularly hurtful thing to accuse someone of, who has demonstrated -against- racist groups, and been beaten up for being in a cross-racial relationship. Why? Because I post on a Horde character.

Take a step back and look at that.

In this very thread, a person accused someone of being something vile and despicable, not their character, I could handle that, Brigante can be vile, he is after all an Elf, but -me- as in the person behind the keyboard, on the basis of being Horde.

That’s the moment where you have to take a step back, calm down, and go “Yeah, this is actually stupid” rather than doubling down on it. (Retributor has yet to apologise for their comments by the way, just to keep it fresh in people’s memory, because I sure won’t forget).

How insane is that? How insane is it to arbitrarily state that someone, because of which side they may or may not favour in a video game, is a repellent human being with abhorrent beliefs despite never having met them.

That is absolute insanity, and yet that is what threads like this breed, absolute insane polarity of thought.

You are not Alliance. I am not Horde. This is not Azeroth. Sometimes I think (and sadly it is mostly people on Team Blue) that some people are a little too invested in the Faction rivalry thing, than is ultimately healthy for themselves.

As the Irish side of me wants me to say “Have a wee break there, stop, and catch yourself on one”

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By this logic when alliance can use their quick BG queues to dodge incoming ganks by accepting the battleground invite they’re hacking. Alliance can literally sign up and have a Q ready in under a minute, Horde have to wait 15 minutes. OMG hax.

Or wait, it’s not hax because that would be an incredibly dumb thing to say. At least wear your anti-horde prejudices on your sleeve. Don’t dress it up with fabricated nonsense about hacking simply because of the fact they can find groups quicker in the group finder.

No it dosen’t work like that as if now one minute after we’ve declined the invite due to no ganks then before the next one’s ready 5 hordies comes at me. I mean i can win easilly if it’s 5vs5 cus i am a pro.

Imagine my terror when stating you can win a 5 vs 5. Hardly seems magnificent. I can hear the sound of horde spines shivering all around.

Ever notice how it’s usually paladins humblebragging about their pvp prowess? Because being a burst focused class with a variety of get out jail cards if stuff goes south surely has nothing to do with their pluckiness.


I think we have identified the problem.

Remove Human Paladin class please. Their players never seem able to make sense…

'ere are, kid - if you remove them, he might end up changing to Blood Elf Paladin and that’s the last thing we want.

Our perfect race of Highborne descendants from Zin-Azshari shouldn’t be infected.

That’s a right compelling argument so it is, alright, Humans can keep Paladins, but Blood Elves get Druids, is that right now? Only fair…

Honestly, screw the whole “Belf/NB druids” movement. I don’t care about the Botanists. Let’s not urinate all over druid lore like paladin lore has been and keep them as guardians of nature rather than extending the definition to include “likes to study plants”. Thanks.

Don’t think there’s a risk of the average human paladin psoter rerolling to belf. They’re usually the same crowd who call the belf male model “feminine” and need their caricture of He-Man they play as to feel properly heroic.

There’s a movement for that?

Oh well, only if Night Elves get Paladins.

Movement might be overstating it, but generally speaking whenver there’s a “which classes do u want added to old races” thread, belf druid comes up a fair amount.

  1. I don’t want druid to be reduced in scope to “studies plants”
  2. Belf have enough freaking classes already. They oversaturate the horde as it is, give them druids and this will only magnify. Perfectly fine there’s a couple of classes they can’t play.

So leave Belf alone. I can agree nelf paladins is somewhat plausible (now that paladin has been extended to mean many things) but don’t give belf druids to balance it, give another race with less options something instead.

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Yes we do we founded the silverhand which lead to the argent dawn which lead to the argent crusade which lead to tirion fordring becoming the ashbringer and saving us from the lich king. So without us azeroth would had been corrupted by the scourge. So in other words you owe us. And only fair if we get quel’dorei if you get blood elf druids else it’s a no.

Lets be fair, the Farstriders are already the Belf vestigial memories of Druidism anyway, so best leaving it like that…

“Do you think you look like your character?” “I’m built like my character, yes”
“Oh dear, I’ve got some bad news for you son. Your wrists don’t work. Yeah, you couldn’t actually fight for toffee with that deformity, it would be like putting a guy with a bazooka up against a combine harvester. All you can do is chop chop chop, I mean even a lopsided goblin could take you out in a fight!”

The male human model, does not look human. Is the problem.

Would that be the same Alliance once of whom’s crown princes betrayed his own and became the Lich King?

You call it saving the world, I call it cleaning up your own mess. And besides Fodring isn’t part of the Alliance, neither are the AD or AC. Claiming “alliance credit” for them because of their origins is like the Horde claiming every victory won by Shamanism because “Lol orcs and Taurens discovered it”. Absolute tosh.

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Yeah but the Farstriders are like as far as they went with the whole “nature thing” anyway isn’t it? Unless i’m missing some lore somewhere, outside of the Botanist etc, there’s no evidence Belf actually engaged with Druidism proper. I mean it would be wierd if they did, given the whole Druid question was part of what seperated them from their original kin and had them go their seperate ways from the Nelf.

And having rangers whom are at home with nature is no reason to give druids, else races like Orcs and Dwarves are surely ahead of the queue in getting druids than belf if that’s true. Orcs are extremely attuned to nature and beasts and the whole “lone hunter/pathfinder” lifestyle yet can’t be druids. Unlike belf they don’t have a strict “civility/arcane” vibe going (which is commonly contrasted with druidism) and yet few people ever agitate for Orc druids.

TBH I think a lot of people ask for Belf druids because they’re doing what you bring up in a lot of your psots Brig, they’re conflating Belf with “Generic Tolkien Elf”. And Generic fantasy elves are usually pally pally with nature, pixies and mushrooms. Well belf aren’t. And there’s very little about their history and culture that suggests they should be druids but races like Orcs shouldn’t be able to.