What is your basic point here? I’m really struggling to get to grips with it, you seem to be arguing with a non existent antagonist, and calling in game resources ‘hacks’ because you just don’t like the Horde.
I mean I get that, IF they were a real life entity I probably wouldn’t like them either. But they are not. WoW is not the real world.
You seem to be taking this far too seriously. Blizzard do not ‘hate’ the Alliance, Blizzard do not have committee meetings where they discuss how to mess with Alliance fans. Threads like this are metaphorically like people panic buying in shops. You are causing the problem. Not Blizzard. -Some- Alliance fans are spreading such a self defeating attitude that people are starting to believe it, and -THAT- is why they jump ship. If the Perception is that the Horde gets all the good things and the Alliance just get smacked then of course people will play Horde, that, is human nature, but the reason people have that perception is because of posts like this. Every ‘Horde Bias’ post is fuel for a fire that never even existed, it is not highlighting a problem, it is -creating- the problem.
When all the major raiding guilds (and frankly, who -actually- cares about them apart from Streamers) were Alliance, this was not the end of the world, and I remember back then, whilst a few people whined, no one actually started threads plucking ‘facts’ out of thin air showing that Blizzard favoured the Alliance, no one actually seriously claimed that the Devs were all Alliance fans with one token Horde fan.
Probably because people were a bit more sensible about these things. People go on about Metzen, You know, he actually mained Alliance, when he played, Yeah, he voiced Thrall, do you know who else he voiced? Varian Wrynn. If a story developer can have that impartiality then why, why is it so difficult for us as players to have the same?
In this thread, a person who mains Alliance has literally (in the correct sense of the word) called me a White Supremacist Racist, because I post on a Horde avatar (Despite actually having more Alliance characters than Horde ones), which is, you know, a particularly hurtful thing to accuse someone of, who has demonstrated -against- racist groups, and been beaten up for being in a cross-racial relationship. Why? Because I post on a Horde character.
Take a step back and look at that.
In this very thread, a person accused someone of being something vile and despicable, not their character, I could handle that, Brigante can be vile, he is after all an Elf, but -me- as in the person behind the keyboard, on the basis of being Horde.
That’s the moment where you have to take a step back, calm down, and go “Yeah, this is actually stupid” rather than doubling down on it. (Retributor has yet to apologise for their comments by the way, just to keep it fresh in people’s memory, because I sure won’t forget).
How insane is that? How insane is it to arbitrarily state that someone, because of which side they may or may not favour in a video game, is a repellent human being with abhorrent beliefs despite never having met them.
That is absolute insanity, and yet that is what threads like this breed, absolute insane polarity of thought.
You are not Alliance. I am not Horde. This is not Azeroth. Sometimes I think (and sadly it is mostly people on Team Blue) that some people are a little too invested in the Faction rivalry thing, than is ultimately healthy for themselves.
As the Irish side of me wants me to say “Have a wee break there, stop, and catch yourself on one”