So Horde Bias rising again!

generally speaking, huge retcons are not taken very well.

Illidan wasn’t retconned. What happened at the Black Temple happened. It’s just that at the same time he was opposing demons he was opposing us, he was always the same moral quality he’s always been - grey. The only retcon was “he didn’t die lol” because of immortal demon hunter souls. It’s cheesy as heck but plausible.

You’re asking to not only spare Arthas his final death, but to rewrite the presentation of his lore so that he wasn’t in fact responsible for his own evil, but someone else (who?) was? The presentation is Arthas is pretty consistent, he was the one who took steps towards beocming the LK, and upon acquiring the position, became the dominant personality. Arthas, himself, the person, was the bad guy. If you write that away and just “lol he was corrupted by something lol” you completely trash his entire story and the significance of it.

How about, instead of butchering the lore, demand Alliance characters get more badass writing in general? You don’t need Arthas to have a badass alliance leader. You just need focus to shift away from ANduin and Jaina. I mean what about Genn? Genn is decent, without completely trashing the lore.

What took you so long to appear before me? I summoned the other Tauren-players as well, why did you come this late?

In all seriousness: They will likely do something with him. And keep your icy frostmourne in your pant, it is just a theory. If we can have undead Nelves written into BfA and yells to stop one shand’o and a demigoddess, then we should brace for the worst.

Let’s wait and see what will happen before we start losing our minds about theories. But I’ll link the video in question here in the topic:

Illidan isn’t that but put on a bus… in space. They will call upon him as main story character again when the subs are dwindling.

Overall took the inGame writing a massive nosedive. Golden is good for what she does (video cutscene dialogues only) and the overall characterization of all main players in Before the Storm was decent enough for us believing that she also had more to say in the overall storyline in Game… which wasn’t the case.

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Atm war mode’s horde bias the horde’s camping the vale and it’s impossible for us to do any quests as they come in large numbers and most allys refuse to help us

No it isn’t. Its -Really- easy. Its what I do when the Alliance vastly outnumber the Horde but still get a bonus. Its this crazy feature, its called. Turn Warmode Off.

I know. Mad right?

You can actually play the game and do all your quests and everything. I’m amazed more people don’t know about this astonishing feature…


That’s what you hordies say when it’s you outnumbering us. But when it’s the other way around when the glories Alliance actelly outnumber you. You’re all like. Alliance turn wm on and actelly fight us Alliance bias blizz nerf them! That’s what all you hordies are like well 90% of you are like.

You know why Alliance is dying?
It’s not because of Blizzard or Horde bias, Alliance players are killing their own faction…


Please explain

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Alliance PUGs overall are terrible to say at least.
Why people would play a faction with so many problematic players?
In order to play Alliance you need:
A. An active guild.
B. Premade group.
C. High ranking.

If you don’t have any of those, good luck finding reasonable players without expending double of time.

I played Alliance season 1, 2 and 3; this season don’t know what happened but players had become obnoxious.

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That would be because everyone who cares about PVE has gone to Horde because the pool there is -massive-.

I know a lot of people across multiple communities that want to play Alliance but are forced onto Horde because the overall PVE quality is better due to the previous racial imbalance causing a massive domino effect.

You can’t really blame “Alliance players” for this. The issue literally began because of Blizzard.


I don’t blame Blizzard, not every player thinks about min-maxing.

Let me explain further my experience in Alliance so far.

There’s no a middle in Alliance.
What do I mean by middle? Alliance pugs are ’harder’ not because Horde races are stronger, not because Blizzard makes is harder.
Finding an average reasonable player takes many tries.
Group experience most likely was been be unpleasant.

I changed to Horde not because ‘Arcane Torrent’, couldn’t care less about my character’s racial. I changed because I couldn’t stand the playerbase.
I’m not a high end player, do pugs and push content with randoms. I want to find people alike or people how just want to do the dungeon without raging to each other and blaming who-knows-what, Alliance doesn’t provide that experience at the moment.

Horde is not perfect at all, you’ll find the usual idiot time to time but in Alliance is most of the time.


Of course you can’t. I don’t know why I have to remind everyone here that the cause of the issues we have are because of the developers and the player base with Ion’s team being the major factor here. They could have acted upon it even every four weeks to balance things out but they refused to. In the end, the issue has become so problematic that it will hopefully destroy the faction barriers for good.


Part of the problem is the desire to have an excuse.

It is never the players fault, it is always that the other faction has it easier. It is never possibly the expertise of others, it is always that a multinational company actually favours one faction over the other.

It is never common sense, facts or logic, it is always emotive shrieking about Bias, and how only two people still play Alliance (Amazing claim) and 96.4 of the Devs are Horde. Not favour Horde. Are actually Horde.

Add to that the people confusing playing Alliance with actually -being- Alliance, and the way they talk to others on the forum, and really, you can kind of see why people go Horde.

I don’t -want- to be associated by people with the debating skills of a child kicking their heels in a supermarket. I don’t -want- to be associated with idiots who think that playing Horde makes you a White Supremacist IRL. I don’t want to be associated with people who scream and rant at everything, and when there is nothing coherent to rant about, will make up bizarre statistics such as the 96.4 Devs being Horde.

I don’t want that. That to me, smacks of immature whiners.

Now I know the Alliance is not that. Because I have played for a long while, but if I looked at these forums now, by the Gods I would turn my face away from Alliance as a bunch of childish plums.

Worst of it is? A lot of Alliance players help them on. You back it up. You support it. You endorse and encourage this idea that Alliance is dead and everyone should play Horde.

Why would you do that?

Next time you see an idiot, crying wolf, don’t back them up just because their avatar has a blue background! Read what they say and decide “Hmm, is that a reasonable statement, or just ranting drivel” If it is ranting drivel, then call it so!

Otherwise we end up with a situation where the people doing most harm to the Alliance, are the ranters from the Alliance playerbase….and all those who tolerate them.


I have hated factions since Legion and I wish they would go away for good. They bring nothing but childish nerd toxicity.

Just to clear some things up here: Every known developer or writer we know is Horde-player. The few well-known exceptions were Chris Metzen and Christie Golden (both multi) as far as I know. Therefore it is fair to say with our current knowledge that most developers are Horde-players.

This is just cognitive bias here. You find on both sides these kind of people.

I find some of the postings and attempts from various people entertaining to say at least - but you have to keep in mind how bad bfa was gameplay-wise. There is no denying that the Horde has the clear superiority when you login at both ends, check the available party-content in the finders and compare them. You can also add the queue times to the spiel and even there you will (almost) have a better time expect for pvp-content.

Pair these with an uneven system at launch, dissatisfaction and bad gameplay and you have the perfect mix for a resentful cocktail. At times it was even for me awful but I think I can see finally the bright side of it. The community does their best to destroy the whole faction system which is actually a good thing. Why? Let’s think back for a while. After Blizzard played themselves into a corner with their “breaking the cycle” and “we have changed”-moments from the cinematics, people expected to see actual fundamental changes (which we will likely get in Shadowlands). And of course, the people want to end this idiotic war for good this time - narrative-wise it was really an awful story to begin with. The three WoW traveler-books captured the so called “grey area” better than the developers every did.

Overall I’m looking forward to the destruction of the faction system. What the game needs is the 2.0 faction system from the Legend of Korra show, which dealt with four different factions at the same time and combined them into a hub-like city. People always believe that ending the current faction war is the dead of the game but the truth is that it will open up so much more stories at each level. The Hearthstone artworks and animated videos give you a good idea how such a world can look like, with every race living together in a city, having their own flair, social issues and so on.


Like if they buffed the human racials we’d get some numbers back as after they nerfed them ally players began to leave way more

And Alliance player. They Play Both. Same way as people have short memories and used to use Metzen as proof of Horde Bias because he voiced Thrall. Completely missing the point that at the time he also Voiced Varian Wrynn, and his main was a human.

People have this whacked out idea that you can only play one Faction.

So, no. Every known developer or writer we know is -not- a Horde Player. They are a Player. People don’t just have one character, or these days, just one major character.

Because of how people play this game, it is equally fair to say with our current knowledge that most developers are WoW players. That much we can state. That much we can be relatively certain on. Saying they all play Horde -AND ONLY HORDE- is not something we can fairly say with our current knowledge at all, in fact all evidence suggests otherwise…

You do, they are just very much more vocal from Team Blue, sadly.

You know they nerfed the human racials because they were sickening, and all the raiding guilds were rolling human, back then right?

I guess that was OK though, because…Well, it was Alliance…


Where have people adapted this nonsense from?

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I think we’re about to find out…


Seruselly stop hating Alliance it’s so clear that you’re one of the haters with your well it was alliance the trash talkSo stop it how would you feel if it was the horde getting treated like that instead of us?

Should I also ‘Leave Britney Alone’ or something?

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