So they nerf Dagger in the Dark

Imagine being a rogue main and complaining about several oneshot tricks being nerfed over the season, and even so, still remaining one of the most played Melees. That is some next level :clown_face:

assa rogue is already a thing, it’s good. this nerf also doesn’t impact “normal” sub rogue whatsoever, which is what most were playing anyway (at least from what i’ve seen - i’ve faced one person doing the dagger in the dark thing so far).


Combustion doesn’t give you extra dmg, it just enables all your spells to crit… so the whole “nerf Combustion dmg” doesn’t make sense and is wrong as there is no dmg multiplier to it. you’d have to nerf Rune of Power or Pyroblast crit dmg.

While I agree with the fact you cannot react to Dagger in the Dark because it’s stealth the fact that when Ret pops CDs whole team has to be prepared to press wall as he can do damage from range and none of it can be grounded is stupid. When Ele casts Stormkeeper and press 1 shot macro you also have to be careful as it can one shot any person from the team.

Not directly but maybe he meant Infernal Cascade.

Dealing with disappointment and failure when the enemy lived.


They’ve already nerf it, the main problem with it comes from this stupid design of dropping an instant cast Rune of Power when you use it.

Story of my life in shadowlands 2v2 arenas when I rerolled to frost from unholy.

Overall agree, but the Crit thing does not come from the Legendary, so it has nothing to do with The Rotten buff or Dagger in the Dark.

It would be an option and having 2 Finisher with only 1 Shadow Strike in between with Deeper Stratagem should not be underestimated.

Only thing would be that 1 Shadow Strike would be without SoD.

Granted you have SnD up before.

That was a general opinion about Rogue Legendaries.

MA should also go.

Of MA would not be so good, why do all Sub play it, even in the AWC ? I mean if we see a Sub Rogue at all there.

Combustion is dispellable/peelable/LoSable

Convoke, while a stupid ability that shouldn’t exist, is relatively easy to prevent.

Divine toll can do a lot of damage, but it’s very RNG, and did get nerfed.

The Hunt is pretty stupid, yeah.

BM damage is stupid and largely unavoidable, yes (why didn’t they make BM the melee spec instead of surv, and make the pet damage tied to being near the hunter?!?)

Windwalkers did get nerfed and lost a lot of damage due to bug fixes

Dagger in the dark often has very little counterplay due to being able jump in and out of 20 yard range to keep debuff up, and be unable to be aoed out

Also, a big reason I think they nerfed dagger in the dark damage was that flagellation got buffed massively, and it seems like it’ll bring burst back to pre flagellation buff levels

MA is very powerful, it’s just that shadowdust is too. shadowdust is insane, it just hasn’t seen much play since the kyrian nerfs early on. had plenty of damage then so MA was just overkill, now MA helps a lot. MA has omega synergy with meld which pushes it up a ton. as any other race i think shadowdust is pretty close to MA.

30k means you are severely under geared.

Not that the burst isnt stupid strong, but still.

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