Does it have same features as bg blitz we were playing until this patch? I mean increased speed, bases turning off, some buffs etc? Or it’s the same as old rated bg but solo?
At the moment it’s the same as it was before the prepatch. It’s just moved to get ready for rated next expac.
does it gonna change when next expac goes live? Or it will have same conditions and perks as now?
Same as now as far as I know, it will just be rated.
It is the same and yes people have no clue what to do and stand at bases in eye of the storm that are not active… This system needs a trial version people have to do before being able to queue for solo rbg.
This afternoon a “HotH” ele shaman just said to me - and mentionig the healer who joined with me - at 2.1 mmr that we should not queue again… meanwhile he was busy spamming his pve rotation in the middle while went to take bases all the time. They got the flag and capped before we was able to reposition to new bases, so the enemy team had 2 bases for over 1 minute. That 1 minute was enough for them to get enough advantages.
Kotmogu, same shaman, did insane damage, okay… good for him, he contributed with 30 points. Then i am (the noob, who dealt half of his damage) gained more than 400, but barely anyone else went for orbs so we lost.
Love those “smart” players who not even tries to play for objectives and expecting to win by only doing his pve rota…
Another usual thing, when you heal a group of people, you win the fight, you cap the base, then all of them rush away to the next fight without looking around and leaving the healer to defend the base. If you leave too, then you are the bad guy who left it undefended, if you stay to def then comes the “where are the healers?”
Or when your team has two base on EotS and the flag too and the FC cap the flag even if you ask them to “don’t cap just def the two base”…
I don’t understand, we had Blitz as Brawl for many months and yet the rated Blitz filled with those random bg people who never ever touched the Brawl version before and has no idea how it’s working. Why?
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