Solo suffle, solo joke

since when a tank can que and join a game…? and he had 0 rating at 1600 mmr…? game setup 2 priest heal 1 sp 1 war 1 ret 1 dk tank…how?!
Mmr is a joke…i started high mmr and i got in game with ppl with 0 mmr…and ppl who randomly and misterious dc in a round but next round they are fine…as for gameplay…either wintraders or something fishy goin on but its not normal that one round a guy who is with you plays like a total noob barely do something, and next round when hes against you he plays like a gladiator…thats not normal…and that goes for at least 60-70% of que sesion…
Remove the game mode if you dont wanna fix it. PvP overall its a joke…PvE gets new stuff each major patch and nice rewards…but for PvP we get same bgs…no new content…and the PvP balance and sistem its broken af…Only way to reach 2.4k+ and enjoy a mount its by gettin boosted…bcs a normal/casual player dont have time to invest and nervers to get 1000 addons and 5000 keybinds on a 2k gamer mouse and etc…Some ppl wanna enjoy PvP casual and earn the so little rewards in a normal way/manner…I get it that there must be competition…and be the best and all that…but how come a guy who play 2-3 hours a day casually can compete with a full “nerdie” boy who plays 8h a day that watch gladiators and get tips/buy win. After all thats why Sollo suffle is unranked and was made…to give casual ppl a chance to enjoy the very little PvP experience…but somehow its trash…PvE gets all love everytime…PvP its a reanimated zombie…
Truth cannot be denied with kinds words…sometimes the reality its harsh and must be accepted.

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