Some of my attacks misses (fury warr 9.1)

I’ve noticed that some of my attacks and abilites misses on my fury warrior. Not just my autoattacks. Why is this happening and can i prevent it somehow? It’s really annoying.

You can’t avoid it. Not every attack will hit and even if you do the best you can, some will still miss.

Only Auto attack spells should miss on retail. Unless you mean on Classic. Actual spells haven’t missed for melee since the removal or hit and expertise. There can be unique situations like evasion buffs on certain mobs etc. In general your spells shouldn’t ever miss though.

Sorry but I think you are wrong about both of those things. There is a small miss percentage.

You honestly can’t miss casted spells, Melee and caster classes. Unless it’s due to buffs and debuffs. Go smack a training dummy for 10 mins. Spells haven’t missed for a long time. You can be parried if you attack something from the front still, that’s about it. That was the reason we went for “hit cap” back in the day, So spells always hit. They haven’t “missed” since hit got removed. Go hit the dummy from behind you will see.

Auto attacks still miss now and then.

So if the OP is pressing a spell and it misses If there isn’t some dodgy buffs or debuffs going on at the time, Then he is most likely bugged.

Quote " Spells that fail to hit are shown as a “miss”, and have no effect on their target. With the removal of hit and expertise from gear, players automatically have a 100% chance to hit creatures up to and including 3 levels above the attacking character."

The op is level 60 so his spells shouldn’t be missing except in extreme circumstances( buffs/debuff reasons)(except auto attacks)

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