Specs that need immediate nerfs

Imagine not thinking MLD is Tier S

MLD was probably the best comp in the game last season btw

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MLD was insane, didnt you see the Tournaments lol.
It was for sure Super Tier S+

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I did see tournaments and MLD lost to RMPala quite easily.

It was Cloud9 that was insane, not their comp. Other people trying to mimic them failed miserably.

This is kinda loser mentality. “I lost, that means enemy has better comp.”

Maybe according to you, but you are kinda biased. Not according to skill-capped.

Jesus christ I knew whisperer was incredibly biased that it’s skill that got him 1.9 and not his broken spec but trying to make out that MLD isn’t S tier and only won because one team played it insane and no one else can is rediculous.

Even cdew tweeted last night saying how hopeless he felt vs MLD knowing none of his comps can dent it


yet other teams did manage to beat MLD from Cloud9, so Cdew not beating anything doesn’t mean much

Sure I am biased, yet you ignore third party evidence from popular site that studies the game.

AKA Skill capped is wrong, because I am biased? That doesn’t seem very reasonable.

But denying evidence because “you disagree” that sounds like you’re actually biased.

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Skill capped is a great site for learning arena and improving your gameplay but it’s not to be taken as gospel. Most of the guides are written by one player and there’s too many ofthem to frequently update on which can be confusing when meta is constantly evolving. I guess you turned a blind eye to the multiple MLDs that crushed the ladder last season on EU.

Just because you aren’t high rated as MLD doesn’t mean MLD isn’t a S Tier comp


Leave this biased 1,9k wanna be rank one lock alone, hes completely lost in his own disillusion.

Did they do something to fury warrior? I haven’t seen fury wars one-shoting rdruid 100-0 on barkskin with single 6second hoj, actually died after 5 seconds with fully geared 418ilvl druid.

I am just asking because once i realized there is no enw enchant i decided to not touch bfa pvp anymore.

Sure, and how many players are you?
If skill capped isn’t reliable enough. Why should you be reliable enough and unbiased for your opinion to be taken seriously?

Just because you can’t beat MLD doesn’t mean MLD is S tier comp.

Arms is broken? Just nerf druids 30% damage in feral aff, nerf the talent of locks for HB damage+passive shield. Make ww roll cd +2sec+SRK cd +1sec and minus 10% damage. Nerf all ele heals for 20%. Nerf dh mb cd +20sec. Make firemages pyro cast +1sec. And thats how you will get a new good meta.

Are you really going there?
This is peak of idiocy. Your highest 3v3 achievment is 1550. I’ve been playing Lock up to 2100, then I got bored and went over 2200 as Rsham.
And you criticize me both for playing Lock and my rating, when it’s way above your rating?

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MLD is like the only comp that could beat every other comp consistently at the tournament without swapping out classes and there were like 3 different MLDs at 3.1k+ last season.

If that’s not S tier then idk what is.


like said sleeper broken not broken. when things get nerfed and meta shifts these classes are just waiting to get to the top, as they’re already very strong right now but are getting hold back

Dont be so ignorant and stupid. Check 2s last season and Season 1.
I dont care about ur rating back in WoD nor Legion Its all about BfA.
Just get over that you are not able to play destro properly since everyone told you how insane MLD was. Its pointless to “argue” with you. Stay in ur illusion.

Might change ur name from whisperer to silence. I would pay for that :slight_smile:

Affliction warlock - Insanely Stupidly Broken, literally.

You forgot to add something. You went to 2.2k in a season where rshaman were broken af :slight_smile:
Let’s make it all clear.


Since when? Last season they were close to garbage

I get wanting your spec to not get nerfed but when you flat out deny that one of if not the best comp in the game is top tier nobody will ever take you seriously.

compared to Rdruid now, Rsham in that season was really reasonable. You still saw plenty of other healers. Right now you barely see Hpal in RMPala.

We’re talking about MLD aren’t we? That’s 3s, not 2s.

I have 2200 earned in BFA. You have 1550.
Yet I didn’t start bashing your rating, but you bash me for playing class, which I play less than other classes and earning apparently low rating of 1900 on the class I didn’t focus on, while you never went to 1750?

That’s just crazy idiotic.
If you want to bash my rating, at least earn more. You keep bashing me for it for a long time, still failing to earn even the basic rating I earned on my alts.

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