Speed into Adventure on an Enchanted Sweeper

Speed into Adventure on an Enchanted Sweeper

Cackle with glee as you sweep through the skies atop two bewitching Skyriding broom mounts and 600 Trader's Tender in your pocket with the Enchanted Sweeper Bundle. Which Witch's Sweeper will you choose to send you skyward?

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1 st Feb Trading Post get red
3 st Feb Love is in the Air get pink
4 th Feb Shop get purple and blue.

Are you lost mind?

Will consider after product quality is ok :slight_smile:

Hmm recolors for money.
At least release something that is unique if you want money god damn.

Blizzard would never sell Trader’s Tenders for money. :lying_face:

What they’re selling is a mount! The Trader’s Tenders are just a small included freebie. :wink:


For small price of 30 euros you can have recolored mount and 600 tendies :smiley:

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I wish they would so I can get the stuff I missed.

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So this is p2w too? /s

Well, since we’re about to go in to patch areas where you’ve decided flight is just not an option, neither will “Send (me) skyward” in places that matter, will they?

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I was wondering when they’d experiment with tender bundles again.

Shameless lazy recolours of mounts already available ingame…

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they didnt because in reality its offer to sell you tenders. those mounts are just there to trick you into justifying buying them :slight_smile:

we will see much more of those much more oftern now after people were “tender starved” for post 2 years .

Slowly slowly normalising scummy behaviour.


Hard pass on that.

The main reason this item exists isn’t the mounts (Better looking ones can already be obtained from the trading post and the in-game event) it’s a way of selling tender without selling tender on it’s own, and thus sticking to their promise.

It is lazier than their last attempt at selling tender though.



This did surprise me because initially they did sell some items with tender as a bonus and then they said they wouldn’t be doing that anymore. Because many just buy the item to get the tendies. So they kind of just sold things that were going to appear on the TP and let you save tendies that way.

Now they are back to selling items with tender. Unexpected.

I’ve wondered a few times now whether conclusions get overruled internally. It makes Ion look like he’s lying through his teeth, which I’m guessing is not amazing to him either.

The thing that amazes me about this particular sale is how brazen it is.

At least the last time they sold tender with something on the store, it was unique.