[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Don’t care. Portraying the Tauren as useless, victimized cheerleaders who everyone craps on and whose leader is a joke people can hate and talk trash about is sickening.

This is exactly how nelf players feel about nelves.


As is to be expected with Anduin’s white savior complex. Baine and by extension Thrall exist solely to be noble savages educated and lifted up by Anduin and Jaina. Only a matter of time before photos of Anduin attending parties in greenface appears and Baine signs off on an Alliance pipeline through Bloodhoof Village.

Or maybe it’s just how aging north americans have been educated in regards to european-native american relations and how one of those two have been allowed to influence pop culture and pop history and the other is to this day almost completely invisible in all media, other than being sidekicks to white saviors, written by caucasians.


At least the night elves still got their fangs and their leader is actually fighting for them and demands justice. At this point I bet that Baine would simply forgive Sylvanas if she burned down Thunder Bluff and all the innocents in it…

Again, I like that the Tauren and Baine are peaceful and mostly good people. It’s what makes the race awesome for me. Gigantic, yet peaceful bull-men. What I don’t like is how Blizzard is constantly portraying them as pushovers.

Which is really odd since they seemed to do just fine in WC3 games without being supervised by noble humans (Medivh was everyone’s guide). The 2nd paragraph of your post is spot on.

Dude, that’s just toxic.

I mean yeah we got the model updated to show fangs but that brief uplifting bit where we get cool black eyes and actually kick some butt is sort of being twisted into an “actually this might be a bad thing Tyrande’s gone nutty” so we’ll see.

I legitimately blame Steven King and Ken Kesey for the treatment native stand-ins get in media as wise, pacifist savages who aid the caucasian main characters.

Again, I’m fine with the Tauren being the wise, peaceful savages. What I am not fine with is having the Tauren being portrayed as some pushovers who are constantly victimized by everyone. Tauren lore-wise are a serious force to be reckoned with when threatened, and yet we are barely shown that.

We live in a society…

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Not sure what that’s supposed to mean, sorry.

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Nice copy pasta

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I think we lost that Baine when he exiled anyone seeking revenge for camp Taurajo.


Not sure what you’re talking about.

Yes but they had plenty of chance to develop him in the right direction since then, and yet…well, they didn’t.

And what does what I said has to do with Sylvanas? Trying to pull the blame card on me?

Sure, she also could have been written better and done more justice. She could have been a good and interesting character. But why bother when her fans love her the way she is right now? Can you find me a single Baine fan who fawns over his current state and claims that he’s an awesome and well-made character?

I don’t know

Not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here tbh.

At least Ji wasn’t portrayed was someone who actively denies justice to his own people. Wish Baine had been neglected instead of what they’d did to him.

Again, I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish here. Yes, Baine isn’t the only one who suffered from bad writing, but can you name a Horde leader who’s more disliked and spat on than him?

memeing about native stand-ins being treated poorly is kinda :confused:
it’s 2016, be better, guys.

Crazy how the Tauren are literally the rats of the Horde. Snivelling traitors and cowards.