[SPOILERS] Patch 8.3 Thread (Visions of N'zoth)

Catching Sylvanas is just the start of the payback required.

So, with the Vulpera introduction quest, it’s confirmed that the mag’har are (trying too) settle in Twilight Highlands now? Does that mean the Dragonmaw Clan are truly gone :sob:?

They’re expanding https://wow.gamepedia.com/Crushblow

Didn’t the Highlands get mostly abandoned during Legion tho, when the Burning Legion overran it?

That was the last piece of Lore I knew about it anyway :man_shrugging:

Times change.

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That they do, my sunglasses wearing fren.

Nah, I think some are still with the Horde, but that don’t mean that there’s a lot of 'em, and the majority might be wiped out. So I don’t think the Dragonmaw minds sharing with their uncorrupted brethren.

It seems Baine is just settling with matters of a civilian nature, but he’s only had to deal with the demands of the tauren. He now has Zandalari, Mag’har and Nightborne now coming to him with problems, and nobody is an expert in a new position straight away.

Damn, the only thing Baine is expert at is making googly eyes at Anduin tee bee quite H


Ye olde Alterac Valley has you gathering blood for a Tauren shaman so that you summon a giant ice elemental to steamroller Alliance.

“Archenon poros” she mutters, pouring gallons of blood into a ritual circle to bring forth Lokholar.
“Good health, long life” Is cackled out loud as the ice elemental drinks in their suffering.

There are tauren who aren’t Bainelets out there.


… So like the majority of the Alliance leadership i.e Anduin and Jaina?

At least Thrall is somewhat likable now post Legion though.

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Vol’jin and Sylv managed it, and they had wars to fight on top of it.

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I think to be likable he has to do something. I can’t say he really has.

Totally agree re: the alliance leadership all being shades of Anduin, though.


Well, tbf, Baine was never part of inner circle of leadership with Thrall until Cataclysm. He wasn’t a leader to his people until cataclysm either. He don’t have as much experience as he should have.


Did Vol’jin actually do anything in WoD? We didn’t see anything about how he led things back home.

And Sylvanas was so hands-off in her leadership that a council formed.

We know that he made it look effortless, per Sylv’s internal monologue in before the storm.

Only now, belatedly, had she realized how calm and centered an individual Vol’jin had been. Certainly, she hadn’t realized how effortless he made leading the Horde appear.

For the Forsaken, sure. Not surprising that if you lack a majordomo that when you have to lead the Horde as a whole they’d find an alternate. The Council worked fine as well, had it not been undermined by Parqual and Calia.

But for the Horde as a whole? She had the people’s respect and loyalty (save Saurfang and Baine). She didn’t abandon the Zandalari, despite the opportunity. She actively sought out and made allegiances that benefited both parties and saw to their needs. Never heard of any problems with arcwine production under Sylvanas I’ll say that much…

Did she? Four words and the entire Horde flipped on a coin.

She said the four words in a forbidden combination. Before that those same people were ready to big up Sylvanas by thinly coating Durotar with Baine and Saurfang paste.

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Still, that’s a pretty fragile loyalty.

I am pretty sure that if Anduin shouted THE ALLIANCE IS NOTHING people would be confused, seek explanation, wonder if they misunderstood him, thinking that he is poisoned, etc. They wouldn’t just invite his enemies into the kingdom and hand it over to them straight away.

Isn’t that exactly what happened with Sylvanas? Tink Tink lady didn’t just drop the flag and call Sylvanas the b-word. Instead she looked to Sylvanas, almost looking for a confirmation, an explanation, a continuation. Tink Tink happened after she continued and yeeted out.